Why aren’t we working with Japan and India?

By Michael Green and Daniel Twining Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in India for a strategic dialogue that will focus on how China’s ascendance is transforming Asia. At her next stop, Indonesia, she is to hold trilateral consultations — U.S.-Japan-Korea and U.S.-Japan-Australia — on the margins of a broader regional forum. The Obama administration […]

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Congressman To Matthews: Obama “Doesn’t Send A Thrill Up My Leg Chris!” (VIDEO)

GOP Congressman To Matthews: Obama “Doesn’t Send A Thrill Up My Leg, Chris!” Republican Congressman Joe Walsh didn’t put up with Chris Matthews’ “bullying” on Tuesday, mocking the liberal MSNBC anchor for his effusive praise of Barack Obama. Over the host’s frequent interruptions, the Illinois Representative taunted, “Hey, Chris, your President, who sends a tingle […]

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Mandating Coverage of Contraceptives Is Bad Health Policy

This week, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its recommendation of women’s preventive services that should be covered with no co-pay or deductible under Obamacare—a list that included birth control and emergency contraception. While this raises important questions regarding social policy, it’s also relevant to the ongoing debate about Obamacare and the consequences of allowing […]

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SHOCK: Post Office Home Delivery Could be Cut to ‘3 Day’s a Week’…

Falling mail volume and soaring red ink may soon doom Saturday mail delivery and prompt three-day-a-week delivery within 15 years, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe warns. Donahoe’s forecast is based on a projected $8.3 billion loss this year as the drift from paper to electronic communication hammers the Postal Service. “On Sept. 30,” he told the […]

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Iran Shot Down U.S Spy Plane

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s Revolutionary Guard shot down an unmanned U.S. spy plane that was trying to gather information on an underground uranium enrichment site, a state-owned news site said Wednesday. Lawmaker Ali Aghazadeh Dafsari said the drone was flying over the Fordo uranium enrichment site near the holy city of Qom in central […]

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Our World: Israel’s only two options

By CAROLINE B. GLICK 18/07/2011 The Jewish state’s choices are to either annex Judea and Samaria or be destroyed by its neighbors. Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is in Europe this week seeking to convince the Spanish and Norwegian governments to support the Palestinian bid to sidestep negotiations with Israel and have the UN General Assembly […]

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Washington in a Flash: They’re Back! Gang of Six Shakes Up Capitol Hill

The recently rekindled Gang of Six presented its $3.7 trillion deficit-reduction plan to Senate colleagues yesterday. As the debt-limit deadline approaches, the six senators are hoping to gain support. “We told our colleagues this morning that we want to hear from them in the next 24 hours,” Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) said. “Are they with us […]

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Pat Buchanan: The Long Retreat of Liberalism

Though President Obama has run rings about the Republican Party in the debt-ceiling debate, that party can yet emerge victorious, if it will stick to its guns. Clearly, the Republican strategy was not thought through, when the party chose the debt ceiling as the legislative terrain on which to fight its fiscal war. The president […]

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