Gang of Six: Promises, Promises

A group of U.S. Senators called the Gang of Six has cobbled together the third Senate-originated half-baked idea this week that would lead to hiking the debt limit. All three Senate approaches — the McConnell Plan, the McConnell-Reid “Just Borrow More” Plan, and now the Gang of Six “Maybe Later in the Year” Plan — […]

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Al-Qaeda Is Down but Not Out

Turkish authorities arrested 15 suspected al-Qaeda militants this week and foiled a plot to bomb the U.S. embassy in Ankara shortly before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was scheduled to arrive in Turkey for a diplomatic conference regarding Libya. This should serve as a reminder that al-Qaeda has survived the loss of its founder, Osama […]

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What Moody’s Really Told Boehner and Obama about the Debt Ceiling

Everyone’s heard that Moody’s has threatened to downgrade our bond rating unless the debt ceiling is raised. We get that—crisis pending, yada, yada, yada. But if you read the announcement closely, there are important new points they added to the mix. First, Moody’s really doesn’t believe–that the President really will let Geithner default on our […]

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Scribecast: Rep. Darrell Issa Discusses Operation Fast and Furious

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) says the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is finally “beginning to break down the walls of silence and refusal” from the Obama administration about the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. As its chairman, Issa has doggedly pursued answers on the illegal gun trafficking operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and […]

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