Next to burst: The Government Bubble.

The Fed’s Last Hurrah By Peter Schiff During the 1990s, inflationary Federal Reserve policy fueled a tech stock bubble. When that bubble burst, the Fed inflated a larger one in real estate. Now that the real estate bubble has burst, the Fed is inflating the biggest bubble of them all – a bubble in government. […]

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Iranian Nuclear Scientist Defected to US

U.S. officials have confirmed that a top Iranian nuclear scientist has defected to the United States. The nuclear physicist, Shahram Amirit, disappeared last summer three days after he arrived in Saudi Arabia on a religious pilgrimage. Officials confirmed Wednesday that he defected to the United States in a covert CIA operation, leaving behind his wife […]

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House Majority to Clinton: Calm Down on Israel

More than 75 percent of Congressmen in the U.S. House of Representatives have signed a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressing support for Israel and demanding an end to the highly-publicized state of tensions with Israel. Signed by 327 Representatives, out of 435, the letter calls on Clinton and the Obama Administration […]

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White Elephant in Baghdad

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online March 30, 2010 Iraq’s recently-concluded, inconclusive elections will be followed in August by the pullout of American troops, making this a good time to ask what American taxpayers have achieved with the US$45 billion spent on reconstructing Iraq since 2003 and what steps to take next. U.S. Embassy Baghdad […]

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America’s Shiny New Palestinian Militia

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online March 16, 2010 “The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” – last year that’s what I called American efforts to improve the Palestinian Authority (PA) military force. Slightly hyperbolic, yes, but the description fits because those efforts enhance the fighting power of enemies of the United States […]

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On this day in 1833, President Andrew Jackson announces that the government will no longer use the Second Bank of the United States, the country’s national bank. He then used his executive power to remove all federal funds from the bank, in the final salvo of what is referred to as the “Bank War.” A […]

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Argentina 1902

Argentina- A look into our future

The decline of Argentina. Is USA is following the same footsteps? In the early 20th century Argentina was one of the Richest countries in the world. While Great Britain maritime power and it far flung empire had propelled it to a dominate position amongst the worlds industrialized nations. Only the United States challenged Argentina for […]

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36 States Fight Obama’s Socialized Healthcare

States have an extensive and complicated shared power relationship with the federal government in regulating various aspects of the health insurance market and in enacting health reforms. As part of state-based responses to federal health reform legislation, individual members of at least 36 state legislatures are using the legislative process to seek to limit, alter […]

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Double Standards? Nato’s Afghan Errors

Why are Afghan civilian casualties “accidents” but Palestinian civilian casualties are “war crimes”? Nato and Afghan government forces have recently launched the largest military operation against the Taliban since the beginning of the conflict in Afghanistan in 2001. Like the IDF during Operation Cast Lead, US and British troops face an enemy that cares little for […]

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