22 Tweets About the Occupiers of the Oregon Wildlife Refuge

As armed, anti-government protesters continued to occupy a remote wildlife refuge in Oregon, Twitter had no shortage of commentators assessing the situation. “If you’re occupying with guns, it’s terrorism,” one observer tweeted. “Unless you’re left-wing, then it’s ‘social justice,’” another offered. The group, called Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, said it was protesting to protect land rights and oppose the […]

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Why Obamacare Is on the Road to Repeal

This week, the House of Representatives will clear a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and send it to President Barack Obama’s desk. Although it faces certain veto, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president is only buying time for a dying law. Obamacare is in bad shape – both economically and ethically. If it […]

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Poll: 8 in 10 Americans Support Religious Freedom for Christians

A new poll shows that Americans prioritize protecting Christians’ religious freedom. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research’s poll found that 82 percent of Americans believe that religious liberty protections are important for Christians. Sixty-one percent of respondents said religious liberty protections are important for Muslims, “ranking Muslims as the least deserving of the […]

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Obama’s Climate Deal Leaves Blue-Collar, Rural Voters Out in the Cold

The past few weeks have been a remarkable time in environmental politics. Green groups have joined President Barack Obama in celebrating the global climate agreement reached in Paris, even though U.S. officials say none of the carbon reductions in the Dec. 12 deal are binding. Remember, environmental groups have been campaigning for decades to drag the United […]

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Sweden Accepted More Refugees Per Capita Than Any Other EU Country. Now, It’s Tightening Borders.

Sweden, Europe’s greatest benefactor toward Syrian refugees, is moving to tighten its borders as 2016 rolls in. “We’re willing to do more than anyone else,” says Sweden’s migration minister. “But even we have our limits.” Strained after the nation accepted more refugees per capita than any other European country, Sweden closed its open-door policy and is […]

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A Medicaid Budget Gimmick That’s Defrauding Taxpayers

The Washington Post editorial board has long considered itself the “adult in the room” on fiscal matters, all but endorsing the Simpson-Bowles plan and other trendy fiscal proposals. It also allied itself with respectable centrist groups like the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget in calling out Congress for engaging in budget gimmicks to hide its spending […]

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