Obama Beating The Drums of War

George W. Bush’s national security adviser, Condi Rice, warned Americans that Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction could result in a mushroom cloud going up over an American city. Yet today a very real threat exists over all American cities. In in October 1962 the United States and the Soviet Union were at the brink of war […]

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Cleaning the Field? Seven High Profile ‘Suicides’ in Ukraine in One Month

Former members of Party of Regions are becoming an endangered species in Ukraine. They all got suicidal tendencies in the same month. In Ukraine there has been a series of recent suicides of officials who served during the regime of deposed pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. There has been ‘suicides’ of 7 officials with the former […]

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BREAKING: Obama and Media Caught in lies over Ukraine-Russia Propaganda

Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE. The Obama regime, its NATO puppet states, and the western presstitute media have been lying through their teeth that Russia has invaded Ukraine. Now the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine says that there are no Russian Army troops in Ukraine. Ukraine’s top general […]

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Why is Saddam’s nuclear materials (WMD) Heating American Homes this Winter?

“Story that the Left, progressive media are covering up even today for political reasons. Covering it up for themselves, covering up their incompetence, their partisanship, and their total corruption” By Andrew G. Benjamin At his 2003 State of the Union message George W. Bush spoke these 16 words: “The British Government has learned that Saddam […]

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