RAZ from CHAZ BLM Warlord Owns Multiple Guns Uzi, Tesla, BMW, Jaguar, Many Properties, Supported by Dubai

Solomon Samuel Simone (aka RAZ from CHAZ or CHOP) is the proclaimed warlord of CHAZ, the multi-block area located in Seattle.  Raz hates America but owns multiple guns, luxury automobiles, millions in real estate. More importantly, Raz is supported by the Islamic government in Dubai. “CHAZ,” the anarchist commune occupied by Black Lives Matter and […]

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Governments Require Restaurants to Log all Eat-in Customers in Order to Reopen

The move will allow authorities to contact-trace infected diners if necessary. In a gross violation of privacy, restaurants in Washington state will be required to keep a log of each dine-in customer to facilitate contact tracing during phase two of the state’s coronavirus reopening plans, violating peoples civil liberties. Contact tracing involves interviewing patients to […]

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