The Growing Anti-White Agenda; Obama’s Overt Cleansing of White America

By John Friend — In the aftermath of the alleged mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, reportedly carried out by Dylann Storm Roof, a disgruntled and alienated 21-year-old white man, Democrats and the liberal Marxist media are taking full advantage of the incident in their ongoing war on traditional America. […]

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The truth of Obama’s post-racial America

By David L. Hunter Supposedly aggrieved Afro-American activists (whose knee-jerk reaction is always to blame whitey for their ills) bray “black lives [should] matter.” These same folks completely ignore the fact that 50 percent of Afro-American children are aborted in the womb. Similarly, militant slogans like ‘no justice, no peace’ coupled with violent city burning-protests […]

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Colonization and Cultural Genocide—and They Call it “Immigration”

By Selwyn Duke Have you heard about the millions of Chinese flooding into Tibet? With their displacement of the native peoples and the supplanting of Tibetan with Chinese culture, anthropologists and human rights activists have labeled the colonization “cultural genocide.” (See here,here, here, here, and here, for example.) It is a cause célèbre with its […]

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The problem with white guilt

While privileged Muslims like “Jihadi John”, or his real name, Mohammed Emwazi, run off to join the Islamic State because they felt “discriminated” by equal treatment under British law and society – ignorant people like Russell Brand will concede to their fascism by claiming the lack of special accommodations Muslims receive is an act of […]

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Mass Immigration, Obama’s Racist Roots Toward Whites

Black Liberation Theology is a cult doctrine which is not only racist, but actually advocates white genocide, destruction of American democracy and destruction of the traditional Christian church. The doctrine states that all whites are collectively guilty, white oppressors must “cease to be” and equates white society to the Antichrist, calling whites the “symbol of […]

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