Death Sentence for Julian Assange?

More than six years after Julian Assange moved himself into the confines of the Ecuadorian embassy building in London, the WikiLeaks founder finds himself in danger again. Remarks made earlier this week by Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa suggest that her government may be depriving Assange of the political asylum it granted him in in 2012 and […]

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Müeller’s Investigation A Farce: Files Joke Indictment Against Russian Trolls

By Elizabeth Vos If one needed proof that Mueller’s investigation was an utter farce, they were in for a treat this morning when the Deputy Attorney General announced the indictment of indicted 13 “Russian trolls,” for allegedly interfering in the 2016 Presidential election by posting on social media accounts. Laying Mueller’s disregard of the First Amendment […]

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Trump Clears Path for Assange to Leave London?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the past few days, a series of unexpected developments have cleared the path for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London without fear of arrest. On Tuesday, WikiLeaks posted a tweet announcing the U.S. government had ended its eight-year-long grand jury proceedings against WikiLeaks that was expanded in 2017 […]

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Wikileaks Massive Exposure: Here Are 6 Republicans Who Took Bribes From Clinton To ‘Destroy Trump’

Hillary Clinton is still whining about her humiliating loss to President Donald Trump in last year’s election. Sheplans to take him down and her plan involves some powerful Republicans. Wikileaks named Paul Ryan, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain as Republicans who were paid off by Clinton to ensure that […]

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Julian Assange Says He Will Provide Evidence Russia Narrative Is False in Exchange for Pardon

BY DEBRA HEINE WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has offered to provide evidence that the Russian collusion narrative is false in exchange for a pardon from President Trump. The president, apparently, has not yet gotten the message. On Saturday, President Trump told reporters that he has “never heard” of Assange’s offer to make a deal. Rep. Dana […]

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Liberal ‘Russia-gate’ Hoax About To Be Exposed

Julian Assange has the evidence – will he reveal it? by Justin Raimondo There’s an exciting new development in the “Russia-gate” investigation, one that has the potential to blast apart what is arguably the biggest hoax in the history of American politics. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) has met with Julian Assange – the first US congressman to do […]

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Liberals Rush to Cover-up DNC Murder and Focus on Trump Meeting with Russia Instead

At the same time reports are coming out the Murdered DNC staff member Seth Rich had contacts with Wikileaks and may have provided them hacked emails from Democrats,  The Washington Post put out an obstruction story  about President Donald Trump allegedly leaked “highly classified” information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a meeting last week. […]

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Ron Paul Rages At Trump: “Assange Is A Hero… Don’t Declare War On The Truth”

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,  Candidate Trump: “I Love Wikileaks.”  President Trump: “Arrest Assange! “I love Wikileaks,” candidate Donald Trump said on October 10th on the campaign trail. He praised the organization for reporting on the darker side of the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was information likely […]

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WikiLeaks Assange: Source NOT Russia

In an exclusive interview with FOX News Channel’s Sean Hannity the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange said Russia was not the source for the DNC and John Podesta hacks. HANNITY: Can you say to the American people, unequivocally, that you did not get this information about the DNC, John Podesta’s emails, can you tell the […]

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WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia

WikiLeaks have suggested that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked the Clinton and Podesta emails, and not Russian hackers as is widely reported. According to a new interview in the U.K.’s Daily mail newspaper, WikiLeaks say that U.S. intelligence reports suggesting that Russia interfered with the U.S. elections to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary are “absolutely […]

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