Trump Touts War With Syria Toward WWIII

(Conservativepapers) 58 people were killed in a horrific gas attack in the Idlib Governorate this morning. However, even before investigations could be conducted and for evidence to emerge, Federica Mogherini, the Italian politician High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, condemned the Syrian government stating that the “Assad regime bears responsibility […]

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WWIII Before Inauguration? Unstable Obama Sends Forces to Russian Border

Obama has deployed US special forces troops along Lithuania’s border with so called “aggressive” Russia, while Obama surrounds Russia he says they are the aggressive ones. The question is will Obama push us into war before the Inauguration? Tensions between Washington and the Kremlin have reached Cold War levels amid reports Vladimir Putin is deploying […]

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What Is The Obama Regime Up To?

Paul Craig Roberts Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of the US presidential election with “malicious cyber-enabled activities.” The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report “related to the declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata […]

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Steaming Forward to WWIII World to the Brink of World War

Breaking: Russian nuclear warships are steaming towards the English Channel as Royal Navy prepares to scramble fleet.. written by michael s. rozeff Who has the major responsibility for creating the confrontation between the US and Russia in Syria? How have these two major nuclear powers moved closer and closer to the brink of World […]

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Why is Obama Starting WW3? Maniac Obama Will Go to Underground Retreat While We Are Left To Die

The public are being sucked into the militarist mindset that Russia is the belligerent party, when all evidence points to an American Reich. By: 21st Century Wire Every day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the button and only a slight movement will launch unthinkable destruction. The point […]

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World War 3: Obama Taking Major Step Toward War with Russia

Because the mainstream media is devoting almost all of their time and energy to covering the Trump and Clinton campaigns, most Americans don’t realize that the Obama administration is bringing us perilously close to war with Russia. This weekend, Barack Obama is going to sit down with his foreign policy team and discuss “military options” […]

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The US Edges Dangerously Closer to War with Russia: What You Aren’t Being Told

By Darius Shahtahmasebi As hawkish as presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton may be, the fact the Obama administration is pressing for direct war in Syria before she even has a chance to be elected raises serious questions about the urgency underpinning the U.S. establishment’s push to unseat Syrian president Bashar al-Assad from power. Just this week, […]

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Top US General: Hillary’s No Fly Zone Strategy Would ‘Require’ War With Russia

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford warned Congress that the implementation of a No Fly Zone, a centerpiece of Hillary’s foreign policy strategy, would result in World War III. During testimony before the Senate Committee on Armed Services last week General Joseph Dunford rang the alarm over a policy shift that is gaining more traction […]

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