North Korea: Assessing Its Nuclear Capabilities
Questions over North Korea’s nuclear capabilities have again skyrocketed into the headlines—not because of another threat by Pyongyang but instead by a U.S. intelligence assessment. The existence of a new classified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report was disclosed during a congressional hearing by Representative Doug Lamborn (R–CO). According to Lamborn, “DIA assesses with moderate confidence […]
BETRAYAL! 16 Republican Senators Advocate for Gun Control Today (See Entire List)
BETRAYAL! 16 REPUBLICANS SELLOUT TODAY! SAVE THE SECOND AMENDMENT! SHOUT AT CONGRESS: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! URGENT ALERT: THANKS TO 16 GOP TRAITORS, Obama and Dirty Harry got their cloture gun control victory in the Senate! Cloture by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) on the gun grab package means he and Obama’s other minions – including […]
Facebook Promotes Terrorism and Hatred of Jews
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Following Palestinian Media Watch’s bulletin exposing the PA TV broadcast of a girl reciting a poem referring to Jews as “enemies of Allah, descendants of pigs,” Facebook, like YouTube, decided to remove PMW’s post. Facebook: “We removed the following content you posted or were the admin of because […]
Why Are Only Jews Referred to as Terrorists in the Media?
April 10, 2013 14:17 by Simon Plosker HonestReporting has long campaigned for the international media to call terrorism exactly what it is instead of using judgment-neutral terminology, such as “militants”,”extremists”, “fighters” or “gunmen.” Yaakov “Jack” Teitel, a US-born Israeli resident of the West Bank was sentenced on Tuesday to two consecutive life terms in prison […]
Obama Allows Millions of Illegals in US, Yet Pushes to Deport White Christian Family
Barack Obama has done everything possible, legal and illegal, to allow millions of illegal immigrants to remain in the US. He has given directives to the Department of Homeland Security and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement to not deport illegals unless they have a prior criminal record. Otherwise, he has welcomed them with open […]
Breaking News: N. Korean missiles moved into firing position
A North Korean missile launcher has moved into the firing position with rockets facing skyward, Kyodo reports, citing a Japan defense official. The Japanese government is on high alert, citing indications that Pyongyang will soon launch ballistic missiles at its island neighbor. Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said Thursday morning that so far Tokyo was responding […]
Yet Again, Obama Calls for Reducing Charitable Contribution Deduction
Tetra Images Tetra Images/Newscom Like past budget proposals, President Obama’s new budget plan calls—again—for lowering the charitable contribution deduction. The current tax code allows individuals to deduct their giving from their overall tax liability at a rate equal to their tax bracket. Obama wants to cap the charitable deduction at what it would be for […]
California Considers Mandated Insurance for ‘Gay Infertility’
By Ben Shapiro April 10, 2013 6:57 am For decades, members of the left have insisted that the right is fighting a war on science. But when it comes to the issues of abortion and homosexuality, it is the left that fights a consistent and ridiculous war with reality. This week, Wesley Smith of the […]
No Disagreement and No Difference Between Hamas and Fatah
by Daniel Pipes March 15, 2013 Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner For those of us arguing that there’s no fundamental difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, an interview of Mahmoud Abbas today by Salam Musafir of RT, the Russian television network, today comes as useful confirmation. I have bolded three key passages […]
A Government of the Crisis, by the Crisis, and for the Crisis
When President Obama’s former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” many didn’t realize he was inaugurating a new credo for governance. Rahm’s statement was originally understood as the administration’s intention to capitalize on actual crises while they were hot, to promote legislation liberals had […]
Video shows angry muslims molest Christian women
A disturbing video uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday shows what appears to be an angry Muslim crowd in Upper Egypt beating and stripping two Coptic Christian women in broad daylight in a rural area. The video opens with a crowd shouting “Nasara” (Christians) before the two women are set upon by this crowd. The video […]