Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorist Grabs Hostages in Toulouse Bank
A terrorist claiming to be linked to Al-Qaeda has taken four hostages and demanded to speak to the police who killed Islamist Mohamed Merah. Among the hostages being held is the director of the bank, a branch of CIC. Police have thrown a dragnet around the area of the bank, according to the Quest-France newspaper. […]

Palestinian Girl’s Death: Hamas Owns Up
Palestinian Girl’s Death: Hamas Owns Up June 20, 2012 15:25 by Simon Plosker When will the media learn? How many times have ubiquitous “Palestinian medical sources” turned out to be less than wholly reliable? In the latest example, the aforementioned Palestinian medical sources claimed that a two-year old Palestinian girl had been killed in an […]

Family Fact of the Week: Family Meals Benefit Teens
Summertime often means more family time, and that’s good news. Research consistently shows a strong association between spending time as a family and adolescent well-being. In particular, frequent family meals have been linked to a host of positive teen outcomes, including physical and psychological health, school performance, and reduced risk of substance abuse and delinquency. […]

Fast and Furious: Covering up the Death of a U.S. Agent
Todd Gaziano has outlined at the Foundry the legal doctrine of executive privilege that President Obama has asserted in the congressional investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. The most important part of that doctrine to understand is that a President cannot assert executive privilege for the purpose of hiding wrongdoing by Administration officials. Fast and […]

Nuclear Talks Between Iran and World Suspended, Delayed at Least Until Next Month
The EU’s top foreign policy official said on Tuesday that high-level nuclear talks in Russia between Iran and six world powers have been suspended, The Associated Press reported. The report added that experts from both sides will meet next month to see if there is enough common ground for new negotiations. The talks were hosted […]

Egyptian Activist: "We Were Taught to Hate Israel"
“When I was a kid, I wondered why they told us that Adolph Hitler was a good guy and that he did good by the Holocaust,” reminisced Ahmed Meligy, a self described Egyptian peace activist. “This sounded like pure racism and ignorance, but I couldn’t speak my mind or say that out loud,” he continued. Meligy has […]

Asian immigrants to U.S. surpass Hispanics
Asians have surpassed Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants to the United States, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center. The study, called “The Rise of Asian Americans” and released on Tuesday, reveals that Asian-Americans also have the highest income, are the best educated and are the fastest-growing racial group […]

According to Union, Raising Wages Attacks Workers’ Rights
“Collective bargaining rights are under attack—again,” warns the SEIU. The union claims employees face a “federal attack on your rights at work.” How? From a bill that would let employers pay union members higher wages. Union rates are not just minimum wages. They also set maximum wages. Employers may not pay union members more than […]

Two Cheers for House Energy Bill
Often when policymakers introduce legislation in Washington, the title of the bill doesn’t always correspond with what the bill actually does. This is not one of those times. U.S. House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R–CA) recently introduced the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, which would greatly improve access to America’s resources, bringing jobs and much […]

Official Palestinian Authority Terrorist Terminology Guide: Terror = Resistance
Instead of “terror” say “resistance” Instead of “suicide bombing” say “Martyrdom-seeking operation” Instead of “Star of David” say “Six-pointed star” by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Information has published a book instructing Palestinians which words to use and calling to replace “the Israeli and American dissemination of poisoned terms.” […]

Obama’s Attitude Towards Pollard Proves His Anti-Semitism
Attorney Yoram Sheftel said on Friday that the fact that the White House announced that Jonathan Pollard would not be released even before the Medal of Freedom was awarded to President Shimon Peres proves once again that President Barack Obama is an anti-Semite who hates the Jews. Sheftel was referring to the press briefing on […]