Taking on the Taliban Online
Somebody hacked a Taliban website. Big surprise. Actually, no surprise. No surprise that the Taliban and other terrorists groups are online. When the issues of terrorism and the Internet are joined in one conversation, most people talk about the threat of cyberterrorism. But the reality is that terrorists mostly use the Web just like the […]
Obama Designated Driver on ‘Road to Socialism’
The Communist Party USA isn’t always happy with the Democrats, but in the 2012 election, its chairman says, the best bet for advancing the Party’s goals is to back Barack Obama. In a report called “Defeating the Rightwing on the Road to Socialism” delivered to the CPUSA annual conference, Party Chairman Sam Webb moved to […]
Katie Pavlich on the Scandal of Operation Fast and Furious
Katie Pavlich’s new book, “Fast and Furious,” assembles the devastating evidence that implicates the Obama administration for its ill-advised gun-walking operation and ensuing scandal to mislead Congress and the American people. Few journalists have devoted as much time reporting on Fast and Furious as Pavlich. As the news editor of Townhall, she has asked questions […]
Chinese Debt Owed to Americans and it’s Failed Obligations
From 1900 to 1940, the Chinese Government issued millions of dollars in sovereign debt – most notably, a large tranche of £25,000,000 issued at 5% in 1913 set to mature in 1960. This massive bond funded the modernization of China’s infrastructure and was widely acquired at the time by governments, banks, and investors across the […]
Opening the Door to Health Care Rationing Under Obamacare
One of the biggest fears Americans have about Obamacare is who will ultimately control health care decisions: the government or patients and their doctors. New research by Heritage health policy analyst Kathryn Nix explains that while the law does not explicitly put those decisions in the hands of the government, it does allow government bureaucrats […]
J Street: In Event of War We Won’t Necessarily Support Israel
At this week’s meeting of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), J Street’s regional director said that in the event that war broke out involving Israel, J Street would not necessarily support the Jewish state. In an open letter published in the Boston Jewish Advocate, Paul Sassieni, treasurer of the JCRC, states that J Street’s […]
Obama Bypasses Congress, Frees Aid to Palestinian Authority
President Barack Obama has bypassed a Congress block and signed a waiver declaring that aid to the Palestinian Authority is “important to the security interests of the United States,” AFP reported on Friday. In a memo sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, published by the White House, Obama said it was appropriate to release […]
Senator Mike Lee on Violence Against Women Act
Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) made the case that the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), passed by the Senate, “oversteps the Constitution’s rightful limits on federal power.” Sen. Lee argued on the Senate floor that “everyone agrees that violence against women is reprehensible.” He went on to make the case that this is an issue better […]
Iranians Determined to Fool the World
Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Thursday that Iran “is determined to fool the entire world” and obtain nuclear weapons. “They do so while repeatedly disobeying Security Council decisions and directives from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna,” Barak said. “The last report by [IAEA Director General Yukiya] Amano clarifies the intelligence picture in an […]
Washington Tries to Play Rich Uncle Sam on Taxpayers’ Backs
In 2007, Congress halved the federal student loan rate to 3.4 percent but triggered the rates to increase to 6.8 in 2012. Now, Washington policymakers are debating whether or not to extend the 3.4 percent rate and hand the $6 billion “tuition” bill on to taxpayers. Despite claims by President Obama on his tour of […]
Salvatori Prize Goes to Advocate of Religious Liberty
Kevin “Seamus” Hasson (center), founder of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, receives the Salvatori Prize from Heritage’s Edwin Meese III (left) and Matthew Spalding. Photo: Shealah Craighead/The Heritage Foundation Noted essayist and scholar Kevin J. “Seamus” Hasson, a prominent advocate for religious freedom, today was awarded The Heritage Foundation’s 2012 Salvatori Prize for American […]