Allen West Confronted by Qu’ran-Wielding CAIR Director
At a townhall meeting hosted by Congressman Allen West on Monday evening in Pompano Beach, the Q&A segment of the meeting featured a Qu’ran wielding Nezar Hamze, Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Hamze confronted Congressman West and asked him to point out where in the Qu’ran does it give marching […]
President Obama’s Enemies List
In 1971, America was introduced to President Richard Nixon’s “Enemies List.” The President had instructed staff to keep a list of political opponents, and as then-White House Counsel John Dean described it, they would “use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.” On the list were notable figures such as Paul Newman (actor), […]
New Evidence Shows George Zimmerman’s Bloodied Head
A new photograph obtained exclusively by ABC News showing the bloodied back of George Zimmerman’s head, which was taken three minutes after he shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, gives possible credence to his claim that Martin had bashed his head against the concrete as he fought for his life. This begs the question, after […]
Chairman Conrad’s Embarrassing Quasi-Budget
Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad, D-N. Dak., holds a news conference on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, to preview the Budget Committee’s budget resolution markup. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call) The Senate Budget Committee stretched a few definitions in announcing yesterday’s “Mark-Up of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013.” Turns […]
Argentina, and Obama, Make Us Want to Cry
Standing before a mural of Eva Peron Duarte (wife of Argentina’s legendary strongman Juan Domingo Peron and the “first lady of populism”) Argentina’s recently re-elected President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner unveiled a plan to seize majority ownership in Argentina’s chief energy company YPF and return it to state control. “We are the only country in […]
An SOS for the Coast Guard
The Coast Guard needs to call more attention to its undersized fleet, according to Congressional Research Service expert Ron O’Rourke. While the sea service has publicized its requirement list, “the other part [of the discussion] is the extent to which that program of record will permit the Coast Guard to perform its projected missions. That’s […]
U.S. Embassy in Nigeria Issues Security Alert on Boko Haram Threat
On Wednesday, the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria warned that the northern Nigerian insurgent group Boko Haram may be planning attacks against the capital city of Abuja. However, the Nigerian government continues to downplay the Boko Haram threat. When the United States issued a similar security alert last November, Nigerian national security advisor General Owoeye Andrew […]
Newt: If this goes to the convention I can win
Newt says that if Romney can be stopped and this primary goes to the convention, he believes that he can indeed win the nomination: Phase one has to be stopping Romney because the fact is if he gets 1,144 vote, he’s the nominee, fair and square — it’s over. On the other hand, if as […]
Action Alert – Best Buy Is Financially Supporting Terrorist Groups Including Hamas
by Marc J. Fink • Apr 17, 2012 at 3:39 pm Ailing Retail Giant Sponsors Hamas-Linked Islamist Group, Refuses to Rule Out Future Funding to Islamic Radicals Think again before buying your next flat-screen television or computing device from Best Buy. The struggling retail giant recently used profits from American consumers to fund the annual […]
The Obama Oil Embargo
From canceling oil leases in his second week in office to denying the XL Pipeline this year President Obama and his administration have offered up a non-stop assault on affordable energy. Now that high gasoline prices have come home to roost, the president is flailing around for an energy policy. His recent attempts at energy […]
Islam’s Cartoon Missionaries
by Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 17, 2012 Comic books as a method of missionizing for Islam (da’wa)? Yes. One year ago, Harvard University hosted a workshop to teach comic book artists how to address Americans’ “unease with Islam and the Middle East.” And later this week, Georgetown University will air a PBS documentary, […]