Vanderbilt’s “Tolerance” Policy Forces Christian Groups off Campus

One of Vanderbilt University’s largest Christian student organizations has announced it will formally break ties with the Tennessee school, becoming the latest victim of the college’s intolerant policy on student club leadership. Vanderbilt Catholic announced last week that is it unable to comply with the school’s new nondiscrimination policy that prohibits student groups from maintaining […]

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Merchants of Despair (VIDEO)

Who is responsible for the current economic malaise? If you ask Bill Whittle, it’s Obama’s pals like David Axelrod, Harry Reid and Tim Geithner, some of the many Merchants of Despair. These merchants are costing taxpayers trillions and creating deep national divides based on class and race. [youtube Y-FGgoReyNE nolink] See more at

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Drone Strikes

The UN Wants its Own Drones?

By Michael Rubin A friend on the Hill alerted me to this story which should raise red flags for any number of reasons: The United Nations is weighing the possibility of using unmanned airplanes (drones) in intelligence operations and to searching for information… The issue was submitted to a committee of the UN General Assembly […]

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It’s Not Road Rage, It’s Terrorism

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 3, 2012 On February 25, 1994, Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli doctor of American origins, went to the mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and murdered 29 Muslims with an automatic weapon before being overwhelmed and himself killed. This massacre prompted conspiracy theories and riots in […]

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What Would Nixon Do?

By Ben Stein on 4.4.12 About Iran, that is. We face some extremely serious problems today in the foreign policy realm. But now we face a uniquely serious threat from Islamic Iran. They are belligerent. They sponsor terrorism and violent repression everywhere they can, currently on display in the bloodbath in Syria. Far, far worse, […]

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Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States,be indicted for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of Indictment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

By PETER PATON Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States,be indicted for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of Indictment be exhibited to the United States Senate: There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea Party ranks that indictment proceedings should be initiated against President Obama on […]

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Azzam Azzam

Azzam Azzam: Pollard Must be Freed

Azzam Azzam has issued an emotional appeal for the release of Jonathan Pollard, a Jewish American sentenced to life in prison for passing classified information to Israel. “I do not want to think about the possibility that Jonathan will not be freed, and will keep rotting in jail,” he said. He joined those calling on […]

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Michele Bachmann

Rep. Michele Bachman’s Passover Greetings

United States Representative Michele Bachman (R-Minn.), a long-time friend of the state of Israel, issued the following Passover greeting to her Jewish constituents: “As millions around the world begin to celebrate the feast of Passover at sundown on Friday, April 6, it is important to remember why this celebration exemplifies God’s mercy on His people. […]

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