Don’t Downsize U.S. Forces in Northeast Asia
President Obama’s much-vaunted “Asia Pivot” provides a much-needed emphasis on a region that is critical to U.S. national interests. But the strategy is undercut by shortcomings in how—or whether—it will be implemented. Speak Boldly but Carry an Increasingly Smaller Stick Last November, President Obama resolutely promised that the U.S. “will be strengthening our presence in […]

Live Mike Helps Amplify Obama-Romney Differences Over Russia
Mitt Romney apparently believes that he has reaped a double bonus after a conversation between Barack Obama and outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Seoul Nuclear Conference was captured on a live microphone and broadcast the world round. Medvedev had used the conference to present Russia’s objection to a NATO antimissile system stationed in […]

Former NAACP leader accuses Sharpton and Jackson of ‘exploiting’ Trayvon Martin
Former NAACP leader C.L. Bryant is accusing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton of “exploiting” the Trayvon Martin tragedy to “racially divide this country.” “His family should be outraged at the fact that they’re using this child as the bait to inflame racial passions,” Rev. C.L. Bryant said in a Monday interview with The Daily Caller. […]

EPA CO2 Regulation Effectively Bans New Coal Facilities
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new rule to regulate CO2 emissions from power plants, which would effectively ban new coal power plants, as its emissions standards are too low to be met by conventional coal-fired facilities. This stands in stark contrast with the President’s supposed “all of the above energy approach” and sends […]

Federal Flight Deck Officer Program: A Critical Safety Net for Aviation Security
The Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program, for less than $15 a flight, certifies firearms-trained volunteer pilots as a last line of defense against would-be hijackers and terrorists. On March 23, Heritage’s James Carafano hosted an event with a panel of pilots and Representative Chip Cravaack (R–MN) to discuss this important program. Unfortunately, the Department […]

The Real Martin and Zimmerman Please Step Forward
Zimmerman has already been convicted and sentenced by the media and President Obama before any of the facts are even out. Race baiting for ratings as usual. Other omitted facts Martin was recently kicked out of school for possession of drugs. The media leaves these thing out and uses old pictures to push the reader […]

Stanislaw Shushkevich: Medal for a Hero
On March 26, Stanislaw Shushkevich, the former president of Belarus, made a difficult trip to the U.S. in order to speak about the difficult human rights situation in his country. His itinerary included a presentation at The Heritage Foundation’s Pennsylvania Avenue office. Lee Edwards, Heritage Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought and chairman of the Victims […]

Clinton Decides to Resume Military Aid to Egypt
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will open the way to resuming $1.3 billion in annual military aid to Egypt, AFP reported on Thursday. The funds had been suspended over human rights concerns, the report noted. “Tomorrow, Secretary Clinton will certify that Egypt is meeting its obligations under its peace treaty with Israel,” AFP quoted […]

Holocaust Memorial Vandalized in Ukraine
A Jewish group said on Friday that a Holocaust memorial has been vandalized in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, The Associated Press reported. Oleksandr Nazar of the city’s Sholem Aleichem Jewish Culture Center told the news agency that unknown assailants on Wednesday smeared red and blue paint over the memorial in central Lviv. Nazar […]

Israel Warns Neighbors Over March to Jerusalem
As activists are planning to lead a Global March to Jerusalem next Friday, Israel has warned neighboring countries that it would forcefully respond to attempted breaches of its borders. The Global March to Jerusalem initiative aims at getting over one million Arabs and their supporters to attempt to infiltrate Israel’s borders on March 30th. A […]

Report: Iran Targeting Israeli Ships
Iranian terrorists planned to attack Israeli ships in the Suez Canal, the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram reports. Egyptian security forces reportedly thwarted the attack. Two Egyptian suspects are accused of attempting to pay a third man to carry out the planned strike. The two allegedly had a budget of more than $8 million. The two are […]