Tunisia’s Secular Opposition Uniting Against Islamists
Five months after an Islamist-led coalition came to power in Tunisia, the country’s fractious opposition is working to unite and fight for a secular state. The numerous opposition parties in Tunisia’s parliament are merging into bigger blocs in hopes of mounting a challenge to the ruling Islamist party, Ennahda. Ennahda and its coalition partners – […]

Phenomenon of Muslim Hatred, Terrorism and Murdered School Children
Just a week after Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s called yet again for Jewish Genocide, a French Muslim rode a motor bike into a school yard full of playing children this crisp spring morning and started shooting. The victims crimes, being Jewish. Bringing back memories of Beslan in Russia where Islamist choose to snuff out hundreds of […]

Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies: Oppose HHS Mandate
Today, thousands of Americans gathered peacefully at over 140 capitols, government buildings and historical sites across the United States to protest the government’s latest attempt to trample on religious freedom. The Stand up for Religious Freedom rallies seen around the nation today gave individuals in these communities the opportunity to express their opposition to the […]

UNHRC Creates ‘Goldstone 2’ Committee; Netanyahu Rightly Calls It Hypocrisy
The 47-nation UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted five resolutions condemning Israel Thursday, including one that establishes a massive new “fact-finding mission” to investigate alleged Israeli violations relating to settlements. The vote was 36 in favor, 1 against (U.S.) and 10 abstaining. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was quick to issue a statement denouncing the UNHRC. […]

Blood Libel 2.0
Blood Libel 2.0 March 21, 2012 16:10 by Joe Hyams This commentary by Joe Hyams was originally published at the Times of Israel. Jews kill babies for Passover matzah. It’s one of the most heinous hallmarks of incitement known better to our grandparents as a blood Libel. Surely, the advent of mass media sunshine would […]

Overcriminalization Interrupted: Senate Passes House Version of Stock Act
“Hallelujah” overstates the point, but we are pleased that the Senate on Thursday accepted the revisions to the STOCK Act made by the House of Representatives. As Heritage explained in two earlier Issue Briefs on this subject, the additional public corruption provisions that the Senate initially wanted to include in the bill gave rise to […]

Latest U.N. Security Council Act Won’t Stop Assad
The U.N. Security Council finally reached an agreement on Syria yesterday. In typical U.N. form, it amounts to more talk than action. Russia and China acquiesced to a non-binding presidential statement calling for “a ceasefire in Syria and opening conflict areas to humanitarian aid.” The statement contains no ultimatum for the Assad regime if it […]

The Case for Newt Gingrich: How Easily His Great Conservative Achievements are Forgotten
By Peter Ferrara on 12.28.11 @ 6:08AM How easily his great and solid conservative achievements are forgotten. He led us to victory before. Spectacular, historic victory. The strategy and content of his 1994 Contract with America propelled the Republicans to a 54-seat gain in 1994 to win control of the House of Representatives, which had […]

You Can’t Fast Track Keystone XL by Denying Its Application
Several news outlets are reporting that President Obama will call for expediting the permitting process for southern part of the Keystone XL pipeline when he visits Cushing, Oklahoma, this week. Expediting the permitting process for a part of the pipeline is great, and the quicker we can move forward with Keystone the better, but can […]

Ahmadinejad Tells Germans Holocaust a Lie
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has surpassed previous acts of chutzpah and tells German television the Holocaust “was a colonialist plan that resulted from a lie” that Israel exploits to suppress Palestinian Authority Arabs. Speaking through an interpreter to Germany’s ZDF public television, Ahmadinejad asserted that Jews “never were rulers of this land. They made a […]

Prosecutor: Gunman Regrets No Time for More Murders
Besieged gunman Mohammad Merah boasted to police negotiators that he has no regrets beyond having run out of time for more murders. “He has no regrets, except not having more time to kill more people and he boasts that he has brought France to its knees,” Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins, part of the anti-terrorist unit […]