Iranian War Threat Chasing Away Investors from Israel
Talk of war with Iran is scaring investors away from Israel even though the country’s growing economy and hi-tech industry are considered a gold mine, according to the Calcalist business newspaper. “We Israelis do not recognize the concept of risk. We live here and raise our children here. But the situation with Iran is a top […]
Suspected Iranian Nuke Test Site Identified
An Iranian building suspected as a test site for nuclear explosions has been identified through satellite imagery by Washington think tank. The identification of the site at the Parchin complex near Tehran adds more circumstantial evidence that Iran is trying to manufacture a nuclear weapon, a charge it constantly has denied. David Albright, president of […]
Harry Reid Reverses Course on Judges; Political Stunt Backfires
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) decided his political stunt on judicial nominees wasn’t working. He abandoned the plan Wednesday, agreeing to a deal with Republicans to schedule votes for 12 district-court nominees and two circuit-court nominees before May 7. The deal ensures President Obama’s nominees will received an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor. […]
Israel Under Fire: Missile Barrage Hits South; One Million Israelis Seek Protective Shelter
Israel Under Fire: Missile Barrage Hits South March 11, 2012 16:38 by Simon Plosker Once again, 1 million Israelis have spent the last 48 hours running to the nearest bomb shelters or their reinforced rooms. Most of the headlines and articles have focused on Israeli air strikes on terrorist targets in Gaza that have resulted […]
It Is Not Enough For Mitt Romney To Harvest Delegates Everywhere
In the 1964 presidential elections, Republican candidate Barry Goldwater was crushed by Lyndon Johnson. Goldwater’s campaign slogan was “in your heart you know he’s right.” The Democrats had a lot of fun dismantling that slogan suggesting “in your heart you know he is nuts” or in your heart you know he is right-dead right.” The […]
Following a Big Week in North Carolina, Bus Tour Heads to Arkansas
Now heading for state number 12 after nearly two months on the road, The Heritage Foundation/Family Research Council tour Your Money, Your Values, Your Vote continues rolling across America. Following a successful week in North Carolina—reaching thousands of people over 11 events—this weekend we head southwest to Arkansas. Why are Heritage and FRC on a […]
Retired Jewish General to be honoured by Bangladesh
by Ranbir Singh Bangladesh became independent in 1971 after a violent and bitter war with its neo-colonial master Pakistan. The eastern part of Bengal joined the newly formed state of Pakistan when the British exited India in 1947. Despite having a larger share of the country’s population the largely Bengali speaking East Pakistan chaffed under […]
Who is the Real Tea Party Conservative: Gingrich or Santorum?
Here are two videos contrasting the positions of both Presidential candidates towards the Tea Party. Newt Gingrich welcomes the Tea Party and invites the people to join. Rick Santorum discusses how he is against the Tea Party. The choice to represent the conservative Tea Party movement as Presidential candidate is obvious. Invitation to the April […]
[Symposium on] The U.S. and Israel
by Daniel Pipes March 6, 2012 Cross-posted from National Review Online: The Corner With Washington, D.C., talking Israeli politics, National Review Online asked experts: “Going into a presidential-election year, what’s a sane, responsible Israel policy?” For the responses of the other eight respondents, click here. Two premises shape my preferred U.S. policy toward Israel. Negatively, […]
U.S. Drawdown: A Heritage Roundtable
Heritage’s Peter Brookes wrote a recent column for the New York Post entitled “A Dangerous U.S. Drawdown” on President Obama’s plans to cut 15,000 U.S. troops from Europe. It has generated responses from other Heritage analysts: Luke Coffey There are some who believe that basing U.S. troops in Europe is a Cold War anachronism. Peter […]
New European Jewish Parliament Fights Anti-Semitism
The groundbreaking inaugural meeting of the 120 elected members of the first ever European Jewish Parliament (EJP), a new and innovative forum to voice the thoughts, beliefs and ideas as well as concerns of European Jews, took place last month at the European Parliament building in Brussels. The European Jewish Parliament members, representing 47 countries, […]