“Strategic Freemasonry”: Shades of Anti-Semitic Protocols in The Irish Times

This week’s terror attack in New Delhi focused the Irish Times‘ attention on the Israeli-Indian relationship, particularly on Israel’s position as India’s second largest supplier of arms. But despite this rapidly proliferating association – Israel’s most significant in Asia – it is shrouded in secrecy, operating in an undefined smoke-and-mirrors environment. Both sides go to […]

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Women Testify on the Threats of the Anti-Conscience Mandate

Yesterday, the House Oversight and Government Reform committee held a full committee hearing on the Obamacare anti-conscience mandate’s unprecedented violation of religious liberty, hearing testimony from leaders of faith-based organizations directly affected by the rule’s serious governmental overreach. As early as next August, affected organizations will be forced to either violate their beliefs by paying […]

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Former Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden

Report: Iran Funding, Sheltering Al Qaeda

Iran and the core leadership of the al Qaeda terror group, under Ayman al Zawahiri, have established an “operational relationship”, the British Sky News reported on Wednesday. According to the report, there are concerns that the terror group is planning an attack, possibly targeting Europe, in revenge for the killing of former al Qaeda leader […]

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The United States of America: Land of Overregulation?

Echoing the findings of The Heritage Foundation’s 2012 Index of Economic Freedom, the latest edition of The Economist sums up well the current status of America’s business environment: The home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulation.… The problem is not the rules that are self-evidently absurd. It is the ones […]

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Changing Muslim Hate

WINNIPEG, CA– Growing up in a predominantly Muslim community, Kasim Hafeez, 28, encountered a great deal of antisemitic and anti-Israel sentiment, be it among friends, at mosque, or on the street. For a time, this sentiment only increased over the years. Last Monday Hafeez, a British Muslim of Pakistani origin, told a soldout lecture at […]

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Why Greece’s Fate Is So Important

We need to follow Greece because their default and withdrawal from the eurozone would set off major consequences to the European Monetary Union, and thus the EU, that are unforeseeable. A default would impact Greek banks who are major lenders to the government, as well as major German, French, and Belgian banks. These defaults would […]

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Salam Fayyad

Palestinian Authority Actively Defying Israel in Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority prime minister Salam Fayyad said Wednesday his administration is actively defying Israel and operating in eastern Jerusalem. “The PA is continuously trying to allocate resources inside the city, which Israel occupied in 1967,” Fayyad said in his weekly radio address from Ramallah. “The Israeli government is trying to impose its policies to control […]

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Obama Administration Silent on Saudi Journalist Accused of Online Blasphemy

(CNSNews.com) – The plight of a young Saudi journalist accused of blaspheming Islam’s prophet on the Internet is prompting growing concern around the world, although the Obama administration has been silent on the case so far. Hamza Kashgari, 23, fled his native country last week after his postings on Twitter brought death threats and calls […]

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