Update: Dutch Daily Deluged Over Anti-Semitic Article
Dutch Christian daily Trouw’s vicious article about prenatal care in Israel entitled: “The chosen people have to be perfect”, provoked a furious response from HonestReporting readers. According to Yochanan Visser, the author of our guest post: Thanks to HonestReporting, Trouw received e-mails from places far beyond the borders of Holland. This was the first time in the […]
Is South Sudan the Key to Christian Survival in the Middle East?
Is South Sudan the Key to Christian Survival in the Middle East? by Ranbir Singh As the Arab Spring turns into the inevitable Arab Ice Age where can minority Christians turn The independence of South Sudan on 24 July 2011 was a momentous event. After decades of fighting domination by the Arabic speaking and increasingly […]
Timeline: Keystone’s Three Years in Limbo
President Obama announced he was rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline project Wednesday, blaming Republicans in Congress for forcing him to make a decision. The pipeline would have transported up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada to Oklahoma and Texas. “This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, […]
Israel Air Force Ground Tech’s Ear Saves Pilot’s Life
The roar of jet fighter engines up close shakes the body to the bone and jars the senses. But the deafening noise is as regular as breathing for IAF ground crews who service the planes at Israel’s air bases. Last week, one experienced ground technician, used to hearing the same voice from an F-16 fighter’s […]
Obama’s Trade Agency Consolidation Proposal: Hope and Caution
Clearly, the impact of President Obama’s proposal to consolidate parts of six trade agencies is tiny in comparison to the government’s $3.5 trillion in spending or its trillion-dollar-plus deficits. But if—and that is a big if, depending upon not-yet-available details—it represents a genuine step toward smaller, less costly, and more effective government, it would be […]
Is Walmart the Reincarnation of the East India Company?
Is Walmart the Reincarnation of the East India Company? By Ranbir Singh The recent furore against allowing Wal-Mart and other western multinational companies into India ’s lucrative retail sector is based upon fears that it will bankrupt the small retails who have been at the hub of that country’s consumer sector. There are fears […]
Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism
Arab Spring Rolls Into Fundamentalism by Ranbir Singh Independence to India did not change the political system in one important respect. Much colonial legislation remains intact. Most notorious is the Police Act of 1864 which was designed to quell dissent by unruly subjects rather than provide a public service. In fact the very […]
Saudi Arabia: ‘All Available Options’ Open on Iran
Even as Western officials try to tamp-down the drums of war with Iran amid spiking oil prices, Saudi Arabia says it is ready to go to war to defend its interests. Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal told delegates at a Gulf Cooperation Council conference that Riyadh will use “all available options” to defend […]
Why SOPA (Internet Controls) Are Dangerous
I’m sure you’ve heard by now that SOPA is bad and would ruin the Internet putting control on the American internet you would think came out of North Korea or, Iran or China, but do fear they want the same control right here in the USA. Have you actually read the bill? If not, it’s worth reading, […]
Gingrich’s ‘Food Stamps’ Answer that Received Standing Ovation at Debate Becomes New South Carolina Ad (VIDEO)
Newt Gingrich’s latest campaign ad is the former House Speaker’s “food stamps” answer taken directly from Monday’s debate in South Carolina. Called “The Moment,” the ad hopes to build on Gingrich’s fiery performance in which he at one point received a standing ovation from the crowd. “More people have been put on food stamps […]
Egyptian Nuclear Power Plant Ransacked
by Daniel Pipes January 16, 2012 updated Jan 17, 2012 Egypt Independent reports on vandalizing, looting, and fighting at the nuclear power plant being built at El-Dabaa, a town in the desert to the west of Alexandria. The account draws on an unnamed source at the Ministry of Electricity and Energy who accused security authorities […]