Is China More Prosperous Than the U.S.?
The Legatum Institute has just released its 2011 Prosperity Index. The index has a number of strengths, topped by the versatility of its supporting Web site. But Legatum has trumpeted an inaccurate finding that China has eclipsed the U.S. on the narrow economic dimension of its measure of prosperity. This finding demonstrates the problems with […]
Poverty Measure a Gimmick to Equalize Incomes
The Census Bureau’s new poverty measure is another tool in President Obama’s endless quest to “spread the wealth.” Although the media portray it as a more accurate measurement of poverty, in reality it deliberately severs all connection between “poverty” and actual deprivation. The new measure places income thresholds for poverty on a built-in escalator that […]
Income Inequality vs. Wealth Inequality
Recently, the Congressionl Budget Office (CBO) released its latest statistics on income inequality. Economists, bloggers and others have been furiously debating their implications. Over at the American Enterprise Institute, Jim Pethokoukis has been bludgeoned by various left-wing bloggers for pointing out that the story of growth of income inequality is much more complicated than the […]
From Arab Spring to Springtime for Hitler
There are reports out of Washington, D.C., this week that the Obama administration is in a regular tizzy about the possibility that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities without U.S. help or permission. According to a senior State Department official, the Obama administration is so worried that Israel will go it alone that they are […]
Chart of the Week: U.S. Debt on Track to Fuel Economic Crisis Like Greece
Greece continues to dominate the headlines as the country faces an increasingly dire economic situation and now political uncertainty as well. Prime Minister George Papandreou plans to resign once an interim government is formed, but there’s no telling if the political leadership will be able to avoid expulsion from the euro zone. Greece’s troubles might […]
Abbas to Build Home for Freed Terrorists
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has announced his decision to build new homes specifically meant for the terrorists who were released in the Shalit prisoner exchange deal. Israel has already freed 477 terrorists in the first part of the deal, and an additional 550 are to be released in the second phase. According to Saturday’s […]
7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World
(RightWingNews) Even liberals who’ve accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common sense and instinctually suicidal that America can only survive over the long […]
Obama Crimes – Solyndra Tip Of The Iceberg, Whitehouse Ignores Congressional Request
Solyndra To Be Obama’s Downfall? News reports are now circulating of the Obama administration’s refusal to comply with Congressional request for documents related to failed Solyndra loan program that resulted in the loss of a half billion of taxpayer dollars. Not gonna do it – so says the Obama White House in a tersely worded […]
Study: Homosexuality is a Reversible Disorder
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) — A major seven-year study published in a mainstream journal is challenging the secular notion that gays and lesbians cannot change their sexual orientation. The longitudinal study followed 61 subjects for between six and seven years and found that 23 percent of them reported successful conversion to heterosexual orientation and function and […]
Europe’s Veil of Fear
The office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was badly damaged by a firebomb on Wednesday, after it published a spoof issue “guest edited” by the Prophet Muhammad to salute the victory of the Islamist party in Tunisia’s elections. The magazine had announced a special issue for publication, renamed “Charia Hebdo,” a play on the […]
Free-market Reforms Take Hold in Cuba
SANTA ISABEL DE LAS LAJAS, Cuba (AP) — On sleepy streets plied by rickety horse-drawn carts and rusting 1950s automobiles, the sounds of commerce are once again being heard in Cuba’s countryside. A private sandwich shop has opened in a town previously served only by a grim state-run cafeteria. A woman sells trinkets from a small […]