HR: Elevating Action Against the UK Media

The UK has been recognized as one of the globe’s major centers of anti-Israel activity in the assault on Israel’s legitimacy. This is reflected in the amount of material that HonestReporting continues to dedicate to the UK media, which is itself a major contributor to the hostile environment that has encouraged the demonization of Israel […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Wants ‘SHARIA’ Beheadings, Hand Amputation For Mubarak Family

It wasn’t long ago that Hosni Mubarak, the 83-year-old former president of Egypt, was a key, U.S. ally. Nevertheless, last week The Blaze reported on the start of Mubarak’s embarrassing trial while in a cage, over charges of corruption and complicity in the killing of protesters. Now, the Muslim Brotherhood that President Obama helped gain […]

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A Cuban Slap on the Wrist: The Alan Gross Case

The Obama Administration has in recent months made efforts to improve relations with Cuba contingent upon the release of Alan P. Gross. A subcontractor for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Gross was arrested in December 2009 for making the Internet available to members of Cuba’s minuscule Jewish community. He was sentenced to 15 […]

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Iran Loves Protests in Disintegrating Zionist Regime

The truth from Iran: The protest movement in Israel is anti-Zionist and further proof that the Zionist regime is coming apart at the seams”. Iranian news agencies, controlled or under the influence of the regime headed by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are informing Iranians that the social protest movement actually is a Facebook-inspired revolution that […]

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How to Waste Money, Persian Gulf Edition

by Daniel Pipes July 20, 2011 updated Aug 6, 2011 This weblog entry is dedicated to the oil rich who find creative new ways to burn through excess funds, listed in reverse chronological order. Spell your name out on sand in kilometer-high letters: A member of Abu Dhabi’s ruling family, Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, […]

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