Navy SEALs That Killed Osama bin Laden Killed in Afghan Helicopter Crash
The Associated Press has learned that more than 20 Navy SEALs from the unit that killed Osama bin Laden were among those lost in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. The operators from SEAL Team Six were flown by a crew of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. That’s according to one current and one former […]
Hitler Was A Socialist, (Not A Right Wing Conservative)
[First published August 22, 2005] What is socialism? It is a politico-economic philosophy that believes government must direct all major economic decisions by command, and thus all the means of production for the greater good, however defined. There are three major divisions of socialism, all antagonistic to each other. One is democratic socialism, that places […]
Estonia’s Rebound Through Fiscal Discipline: A Message for America?
In the midst of a world embroiled in economic turmoil, a few nations have managed to do surprisingly well—among them, Estonia. After near economic collapse during the 2008–2009 financial crisis, the country has managed to successfully bounce back with substantial GDP growth, a vibrant trade environment, and a notable budget surplus. During the first quarter […]
Poll: 80% of Palestinians Support Terrorist Organization Hamas…
JERUSALEM, Israel — A new poll among Palestinians indicates there’s overwhelming support for the charter of the terrorist group Hamas — a dangerous element if the Palestinians gain statehood in September. The Israel Project found that 80 percent Palestinians support Hamas. The desire to annihilate the Jewish people is one of the main goals of […]
Obama’s Coup Follows Path of Hitler’s Enabling Law
(La Rouche)This week, under the influence of a terror campaign by Obama and his British and Wall Street backers, a majority of the US House of Representative signed off on a Hitler coup against the U.S. Constitution. Under this coup, the Congress will, as a first step, no longer have the power to decide on […]
Obama’s Failure: S&P Downgrades U.S. AAA Rating
Heckuva job, Barry. You’ve tanked the economy and now wrecked our credit rating. But don’t let us interrupt your parties or golf. Maybe Obama should have put Osama bin Laden body on ice, because this week would have been the week he needs anything he can use to look at least half was decent. The […]
New Trend Race Riots Black Attacking Whites
America is gripped by a wave of brutal racially motivated black on white violence. The “mainstream” media is downing everything possible to censor and downplay the crime. I’ve heard accounts of 200-300 black youths beating and robbing white people left and right at the opening day of the Wisconsin State Fair this week. So far […]
More National Security Broken Promises
The Obama Administration’s plan to increase funding for the U.S. nuclear weapons complex has little chance to succeed under the newly negotiated debt ceiling deal. The bill mandates a cut of $44 billion for discretionary budget authority in “security” spending from the President’s FY 2012 requested level. Automatic spending cuts, if triggered, would impose up […]
Tele-med Abortions No Route to Making Abortion Either Safe or Rare
A new study says the growing practice of tele-medicine abortions, in which women are prescribed abortion-inducing medications without having a physician present, is “safe and successful”—but that declaration is dangerously deceitful. The truth is that at least 3,534 women have been mildly to fatally affected by the pill in question, Mifepristone, which was approved by […]
Islamist Terror vs Breivik’s
(NY Daily)In the wake of the mass murder of 77 people in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, there is a new chorus of voices eager to create a simple equation between “Christianist,” anti-Muslim violence and the Islamist terrorism that targets America, its allies and, indeed, Muslims around the world, including most spectacularly on 9/11. But […]
Allen West, Darling of the Israeli Right
By PETER PATON In the current climate of deep mistrust and acrimony between the Benjamin Netanyahu-led Israeli coalition government and President Obama, a change of regime at the White House may well be the only way the diplomatic impasse may be broken in the future. For the Israelis in particular,the prospect of a sympathetic Republican […]