5 Transparency Ideas for the New Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction
Upon taking control of the U.S. House in January, Republicans implemented sweeping reforms to make the People’s House more transparent and accessible. Now they’ll have a chance to bolster their good-government credentials with the newly created Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. Twelve lawmakers from the House and Senate will serve on the joint committee, […]
Women’s Preventive Services: A Slippery Slope to Higher Health Care Costs
Yesterday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) added new preventive care measures specific to women’s health to the long list of provisions that will drive up premiums under Obamacare. Not only will the new regulations infringe upon Americans’ freedom to choose a health plan in keeping with their values, as we explained here, […]
Why I Opposed the Debt Limit Increase
By Tom McClintock, on August 1, 2011 S. 365 – “Budget Control Act of 2011:” NO. This act increases the debt limit by between $2.1 and $2.4 trillion, the biggest explosion of debt in American history. It allows the government to avoid spending reductions for the next two years while squandering our last best hope […]
The Truth About The Debt Deal
The so called “historic, bipartisan compromise” reached to raise the debt limit does not end the struggle to reign in the federal deficit — in fact, all it does is pushes the most difficult decisions off into the future. More surprising, the debt deal actually cuts almost nothing now–it just promises future cuts that may […]
Israeli Government Video Irks Palestinians (Watch It Here)
Congratulations to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon for taking the initiative in the vital battleground of social media. [youtube XGYxLWUKwWo nolink] Ayalon’s YouTube video “The Truth About the West Bank” is evidently considered to be such a threat to the distorted Palestinian historical narrative that Saeb Erekat (who […]
Report: Iraq More Dangerous, Iran Suspect
Iraq is more dangerous than it was one year ago, a senior United States official has revealed. The official, U.S. special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction Stuart Bowen, accused the military of attempting to hide the issue. Iraq remains an extraordinarily dangerous place to work. It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months […]
Cost Shifting on the Increase under Obamacare
In a recent article in Health Affairs, health economist James Robinson reveals that in areas where hospitals consolidate and enjoy a larger market share, providers are more likely to charge higher prices, as low competition gives them a monopoly in delivering patient care in the region. The lack of competition allows hospitals and other […]
President’s Debt Ceiling Agreement A Raw Deal for National Security
This week, President Obama celebrates both a birthday and (maybe) a budget deal. The second looks to hardly to be a cause for celebration. Obama has worked hard to ensure a deal that leaves open the prospects for deep defense cuts. As the debate has progressed, the President’s antipathy toward national security has become more […]
Muslims Stock up on Ramadan Supplies
Muslims stock up on their Ramadan supplies. Islam’s holiest month is right around the corner. Syria this year is hosting the opening ceremony for the “Religion of Peace”. Today Syrian forces launched a fierce assault on eve of Ramadan; scores are killed marking the start of Islamic Ramadan.
Chart of the Week: Federal Spending Per Household Is Skyrocketing
With the United States engaged in a debate over debt, the common consensus among Americans is that spending needs to be reduced. A recent poll commissioned by Generation Opportunity and the polling company, inc./WomanTrend found this was especially true among young Americans who are self-identified independents. They believe less federal spending and less government interference […]
Members of Congress Earn Big Salaries and Fringe Benefits
Congress’ job approval ratings have sunk to around 20 percent, while their disapproval is up to an average of 73.4 percent. Yet for all of America’s dissatisfaction—and Congress’ failure to combat the nation’s fiscal crisis—Members of Congress are earning salaries and fringe benefits that far exceed those of the average American, according to a new […]