Palin: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Us
Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin responds to a report that Vice President Joe Biden said Republicans were “terrorists” during a closed-door meeting with Congressional Democrats about the debt compromise. Palin says “enough is enough” and she’s “not going to sit here and take it anymore” when it comes to the left accusing the Tea Party of […]

Russia-China Joint Statement Discloses Opposition to US Policy
After attending the summit of the Shanghai cooperation organization in Kazakhstan Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jin Tao flew to Moscow where they worked on a mammoth gas sale agreement from Russia to China guaranteed to provide the Chinese with energy security and Russia with hefty profits. The haggling over price […]

Netanyahu: Israel-Balkans Ties Flourish
While some western European countries do not understand why Israel has failed to make peace with the Palestinian Authority, those living in the Balkans “get it,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said last week, speaking at the beginning of a visit to Romania and Bulgaria. “They have lived under tyranny, so they are more skeptical, they […]

Calm Days in Southern Israel? Many are Dealing with Post Trauma (VIDEO)
NATAL: Israel Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War recently presented the findings of new research it conducted regarding the situation in Sderot today, following ten years of continued rocket fire and the 2009 Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The research was conducted by Mark Gelkopf, the head of research in NATAL and Associate […]

Declaring a Palestinian State, Yet Again
by Daniel Pipes August 3, 2011 The Palestinian Authority’s push to declare a Palestinian state is hardly a new idea. By my count, this is the fourth iteration. I described the first instance as follows: on October 1, 1948, Amin al-Husayni, the mufti of Jerusalem, stood before the Palestine National Council in Gaza and declared […]

The Secrets of Acquiring Federal Employment
According to public employees’ unions, federal employees are substantially underpaid, and this year’s pay freeze is just one more slight against workers who could easily earn much more outside the government. It is curious, then, that so many people without federal jobs are lining up for them, apparently hoping to become “underpaid” themselves. Even out […]

Annex Yesha Now (Judea, Samaria, Gaza) at 1st “Regaining the Initiative” Conference
A new take on the Peace Now slogan “Territory for Peace” posits asserting Israeli sovereignty on the disputed territory of Judea and Samaria in order to bring peace and quiet to the region, as opposed to establishing a Palestinian state that is sure to become another Hamastan. This is the idea behind the first “Regaining […]

Honoring Fallen Border Security Agent Brian Terry
Customs Border Protection Agent Brian Terry was just doing his job when he was killed in an Arizona shootout in December 2010 by assault weapons sold illegally to Mexican drug cartels – guns sold under the supervision of the U.S. government. The undercover weapons trafficking, widely known now as “Operation Fast and Furious” was overseen […]

Ignited States of America
Americans have lit a fire under Washington. At town-hall meetings, Tea Party events, and the ballot box, citizens are making their voices heard. On October 7–9, thousands from across the land will gather at the Values Voter Summit to speak out on the issues that matter and listen in as leaders address current events that […]

Is Obama trying to topple Israel’s government?
By PETER PATON The widespread demonstrations by the Tent City protesters in Tel Aviv over apparently over housing shortages, and the fiery rhetoric by militant Left Wing unions and the lightning strike action by doctors, are thought by some Israeli intelligence sources to be orchestrated by the Obama administration, so as to overthrow the Netanyahu […]

Homeland Security Monitors Gay-Critical Websites
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun watching a blog posted by a Christian who was forced to flee Brazil because of the conflict between that nation’s pro-homosexual “hate crimes” agenda and his advocacy for traditional marriage. Exactly why the U.S. government, which several times has linked Christians and conservatives with terrorism, is watching […]