House and Senate Cloakroom: June 27 – July 1

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House Cloakroom: June 27 – July 1

The House will be in recess.

Senate Cloakroom: June 27 – July 1

Analysis: The Senate will convene Monday at 2:00pm; however, there will be no votes that day. On Tuesday This week, the Senate will begin debate on 3 more judicial nominations, James Michael Cole of the District of Columbia to be Deputy Attorney General, Virginia A. Seitz of the District of Columbia to be Assistant Attorney General and Lisa O. Monaco of the District of Columbia to be Assistant Attorney General.  The votes on these nominations will take place at noon. From there the Senate will move to then consider amendments to the Presidential Appointments Efficiency and Streamlining Act.  Numerous amendments have been offered including one by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) regarding loans to the International Monetary Fund.  Once all the amendments have been considered and the underlying bill is voted on, The Senate will immediately move to the also consider the Expedited Consideration of Nominations Resolution which would expedite the confirmation process for an additional group of presidential nominees, which could make it easier for President Obama to appoint unelected Czars.

Major Floor Action:

  • S. 679 – The Presidential Appointments Efficiency and Streamlining Act
  • S. Res. 116 – Expedited Consideration of Nominations Resolution

Major Committee Action:

In Case You Missed It:  Why and How the US is Involved in the Russia-Ukraine War? All roads Lead Back to Obama in 2005

Source material can be found at this site.

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