Note to Arizona Senate from a Former International Audit Executive: If Audit Resources are Limited – FOCUS ON THE BALLOTS

Focus on the ballots! It was reported yesterday that the Arizona Senate has requested an audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results and will select the auditor themselves.  You can’t blame them.  The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS), who oversee the election process in the county, is doing all they can to prevent […]

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Bill Gates Surprised Over “Crazy Conspiracy Theories” About Him and Dr. Fauci — Blames Social Media Companies and Not His Creepy Ideas

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates told Reuters on Wednesday how surprised he was with the “crazy conspiracy theories” that have been circulating on social media about him and tAnthony Fauci in regard to the coronavirus. Bill Gates blamed social media — Says he should have worked harder with social media to shape opinion. Advertisement – story […]

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‘A President is Not a King’ – Attorneys General Blast Joe Biden For Signing Record Number of Executive Orders in First Week in Office

Several state attorneys general wrote a letter to Joe Biden slamming him for signing a record number of executive orders in his first week in office. Dictator Biden has signed approximately 3 dozen executive orders in his first week in office. Advertisement – story continues below Biden is unilaterally legislating and has completely ignored Congress […]

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“Getting Stronger”- Liberal Reporter Gets Wake Up Call On Trump Support

One left-wing reporter is finally learning the truth. Politico reporter Tara Palmeri traveled to Wyoming to find out who supported Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) vote to impeach President Trump. Advertisement – story continues below What she found was no one supported Rep. Cheney. They all supported President Trump. TRENDING: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Publishes Statement […]

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‘MEDICAL KIDNAPPING’: Hospital Refuses to Let Daughter See Her Elderly Mother for Not Taking COVID Test, Crowd Comes and Gets Mom Released (VIDEOS)

A crazy scene unfolded on Friday night in Vancouver, Washington, as a large crowd formed to support a woman who says that her mother was the victim of “medical kidnapping.” The media rushed to portray the crowd as wild anti-vaxxers — without telling the story of what happened or why they were actually there. Advertisement […]

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Sephora Cuts Ties With Beauty Influencer for Being a Conservative, Says Republicans ‘Aren’t Aligned’ With Their Values

The beauty store Sephora has cancelled all future partnerships and cut ties with beauty influencer Amanda Ensing for being a conservative. The makeup shop responded to liberal activists who were outraged that they would dare to work with a Republican by saying that she “shared content on social media that is not aligned with Sephora’s […]

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Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Posting Virginia Court Ruling on Virginia Mail-in Ballots — Claims the Court Ruling Incites Violence!

Earlier on Friday Gateway Pundit contributor Patty McMurray posted a report on Virginia Court Ruling that prevents officials (Democrats) from accepting late ballots without postmarks. The case was over a Virginia Board of Elections rule issued in August that allowed mail-in ballots without a postmark to be received up to three days after the November […]

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Did Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Violate Her Ethics Agreement by Participating in Matters Involving Citadel?

Janet Yellen Did newly-confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen violate her ethics agreement with the US Treasury Department? New York Times reporter Kenneth Vogel said unless Janet Yellen receives a written waiver, she will be barred by her ethics agreement from participating in any matter involving CITADEL until October, 2021 (or one year after her last […]

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New Report Indicates New York Nursing Home COVID Death Scandal Far Worse Than Previously Known

On New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s watch, COVID patients were put into nursing homes, which lead to the deaths of thousands of senior citizens. Now we are finding out that the numbers are far worse than anyone knew. Advertisement – story continues below And this report is coming from the office of New York’s attorney […]

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