Times of London: Britain ‘Recognises Tel Aviv as Israel’s Capital’

The status of Jerusalem is one of the hottest of topics within the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israelis are adamant that they have the sovereign right to determine their capital like any other country, but with Palestinians claiming the land as their own, much of the international community refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – at […]

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UN Wants a 10% Global Tax to Pay for New “Shared Responsibility” Program to Address Coronavirus Pandemic

Like the American left the globalists never let a crisis pass without attempting a power-grab. The WHO lied about the seriousness of the global coronavirus pandemic. The WHO praised China despite their continued lying. And WHO leader Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus then later created an international panic and global depression when he overstated the mortality rate of the […]

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Construction in Judea and Samaria

UN Commits Terror Against Israel

Strategic Affairs Ministry uncovers terrorist connections of NGOs involved in development, release of UN Human Rights Council blacklist. Yesterday, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a database of 94 Israeli and 18 foreign companies operating in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. An in-depth Ministry of Strategic Affairs examination of the NGOs involved in […]

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Israel and the Innate Bias of the UN Security Council

Why does the United Nations Security Council treat Israel unfairly? What’s behind the Council’s disproportionate number of resolutions criticizing Israel, and the Jewish state’s stymied efforts to get a seat on this powerful body? How the Security Council Works The United Nations is a complex institution with multiple organs composed of inter-related and sometimes inter-connected […]

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Maduro May Get Seat on UN Human Rights Council; ‘Perfect Example’ of Why US Withdrew

(CNSNews.com) – With Nicolás Maduro’s regime in Venezuela likely to be handed a seat on the Human Rights Council in Geneva in two weeks’ time, a U.S. official says the absence of criteria barring the election of such rights violators onto the U.N.’s top human rights body provides a “perfect example” of why the Trump […]

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