Future Muslims and the Curse of Islam


Islam is a curse on Humanity. Muslims carry this curse on themselves and pass on to their children in due course to remember the Satan’s legacy forever. The “Holy” Qur’an is the root cause of most of the world conflicts, hate, violence, discrimination, oppression, killing, blasphemy, apostasy, slavery, sadism and disaster. It cannot be denied that the Qur’an is a severely defective book – the Satan’s book of law and justification for the heinous acts of sadism and brutality the Human Race had ever witnessed. Winston Churchill (cited West, 2008, p. 211) commented,

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

With the advancement of Human Civilization, a more subtle sense of humanity is cultivated so that more stringent restrictions on the atrocities can be imposed. In other words, the more civilized a society, the more high sense of

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humanity is prevailed – this is the fruit of a true civilization. But Islam is not a civilization; it is true barbarism – the Muslims want to create Islamic state and use the Qur’an as the source of laws to impose their beliefs to others through the government’s laws. Those who do not follow them will be punished severely – a poisonous tree can produce only poisonous fruits. The most crucial point is that the atrocities that we see now will not end; it will continue forever by next generation Muslims till the curse of Islam ends.

Let me start with the ISIS educational program. Major elements in the ISIS educational program are similar to what one finds in Saudi textbooks, especially those that are taught in Saudi public middle and high schools. The Saudi state ideology, Wahhabism, is based on fundamental hatred not only on Jews and Christians, but even of non-Wahhabi Muslims (Bradly, 2006, p. 96). Wahhabism is the doctrine of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al Wahaab (1703 to 1791). He was one of the most extreme fundamentalists in Islamic history and wanted to re-create the exact way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (Pipes, 2002, pp. 230-31). The keepers of Islam believe this will “eradicate ignorance and disseminate Sharia sciences” (Gerges, 2016, p. 198; Nakhleh, 2014). All these “guidelines” are extreme, controlling, and regressive, and they call on teachers to emphasize creationism, reject Darwinism, eliminate music and the arts, teach history from a Sunni-Islamic perspective, discard modernity, and of course segregate the sexes.

The Wahhabi-Salafi-Hanbali interpretation also permeates religion or theology classes, especially those that focus on elements of Sharia, fiqh (jurisprudence), or the Hadith. The biological and physical sciences are taught from a pre-ordained creationist perspective, which rejects modernity in favor of traditionalism. Science experiments are allowed with the understanding that the doctrine of “Tawheed” or “Oneness” of Allah permeates the universe. Allah created everything and every creature. There is no “Big Bang” theory and no evolution of the human, animal, or plant species.

Even the geography curriculum discusses the region from an Islamic perspective. For example, kids are taught that the “Zionists” have occupied Palestine illegally, and the Islamic Ummah one day must re-establish Muslim control over Jerusalem, the “Third Qibla” of Islam, to which Muslims turn to pray after Mecca and Medina. Israel, for example, does not appear on maps of the Arab world in Saudi geography textbooks.

This education system is imparting to the youth a narrow-minded, conservative, traditional worldview. Initially this had started in the ISIS controlled area, but now spreading throughout the Middle East. In the past three decades, Muslim youth have participated in large numbers in jihad across the Muslim world, from Afghanistan to Chechnya, and from the Balkans to Iraq and Syria and the next generation Muslims will continue to do jihad against the perceived “enemies” of Islam. They will not only be intolerant of other religions but also of other sects in Islam. Both teaching and learning are done almost by rote memory. No critical thinking is allowed and no logical extrapolation is encouraged – “In Iran, this is not the real education. We learn the way the Mullahs want us to learn. Why do we have to learn that way?” This is how the curse of Islam is passed on to the next generation Muslims. As a result of this faulty education system, unemployment is rampant in Iran – some experts estimate that close to 40 percent of the population is unemployment in spite of the Nation having world’s second largest oil reserves. The Iranian Mullahs tell the young people that America is the root cause of all the troubles – “America supports Israel. America attacks Islam; these are the things that make for our troubles in Iran” (Cohen, 2007, pp. 54, 92). Most of the radical youths come from poor families. The Mullahs tell them that anybody except them is evil. It does not matter who they are. This can be America, Israel or even other progressive Iranians.

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The public entertainment at Saudi Arabia, apart from occasional soccer matches, is beheading (Bradley, 2006, pp. 137-38). Thousands of Saudi Muslims form a ring at the chopping block in spite of the intense discomfort of direct and prolonged exposure to the desert sun in the middle of a blistering hot summer day. Before beheading, the executioner recites a verse from the Qur’an, and then when the severed head tumbles from the block, the loudspeakers chant “Allah ho Akbar”.

Psychological experts warn the public that viewing the terrible acts of beheading can cause trauma. The public executions train and alter the emotional and psychological wellness of the children (Ledgard, 2008, p. 5). It has a dehumanizing effect that harms the soul of the children. When these traumatized schoolchildren grow up they often become a violent person and will be dangerous to society. In Saudi Arabia, beheading in public is not an isolated incident, but routine occurrences. Violence has become a routine spectacle, one that is almost always witnessed by young children, toddlers and teens. It is almost certain that these acts are creating a new generation of psychopaths. In developed countries the executions are done in closed door. Also in this age, there are swift and almost bloodless ways to kill (as punishment), which makes the use of beheading subject to question.

In Lebanon, the previous generations tried to settle sectarian differences with violence and bloodshed of an extended civil war. Rape and orphancy were so rampant that today the Lebanese youth suffers from identity crisis – what is their biological background? Some Lebanese youth have even gone as far as getting blood tests for checking their true identity (Cohen, 2007, p. 114). This Islamic nation had already sunk in poverty and this degradation provides a fertile breeding ground for the extremism that terrorist groups like Hezbollah are spreading. The scars left by war-torned childhood memories will not heal easily as sectarian divides are still deeply embedded in their culture.

At the age of six or seven Shiaa children are selected by either the parents or members of the community to begin

indoctrination to Hezbollah – the Party of God. Hence, by the time they reach university age they have been members of the organization for over a decade already. Hezbollah has completely infiltrated Lebanon’s educational system. For Hezbollah, dispatching their best and brightest to the universities is a foolproof plan. The students enter the university legally, and hence the organization is able to use society’s universities for its own manipulative objectives. Even the American University of Beirut, which is the most advanced of all the universities of Lebanon, has about 150 to 200 operatives from Hezbollah attending the university as students (Cohen, 2007, pp. 136, 143-4). In a university of about seven thousand students, this is a frightening number. This is how Hezbollah sell their Islamic ideology and recruit new members. Financial support mainly comes from Iran.

Experts believe that second generation al-Qaeda will not only be more sophisticated, but also more lethal – “The future of jihad terrorism is overwhelmingly inscribed in its own history and the history it refers to.” (Phares, 2005, p. 179). Hence, the war on Islamic terrorism is not winnable unless the future youth can see an alternative to jihadi ideology, madrassahs (Islamic religious educational institutions) and moral bankruptcy of Muhammad’s teaching. It is not materialism, but idealism that is the chief curse of the world today.

Syria is the birthplace of Arab Nationalism. President of Syria, Hafez al-Assad transformed the country into a cult of personality centered around himself. Opposition was forbidden, dissent was outlawed, and insubordination was punishable by death. There was no freedom of speech, assembly, or opportunity. The regime had killed over twenty thousand people, mostly Sunnis (Cohen, 2007, p. 194). Al-Assad viewed himself as the sole ruler and symbol not only of Syrian power, but also of the Arab world. He used fear tactics, and Syrian youth were taught to believe that democracy is dangerous and precipitates conflict. After the Lebanese civil war, the regime linked the violence in Lebanon with the concept of democracy. This tactics had created a difference in thinking between Syrian and Lebanese youth. While the Lebanese youth has associated democracy with American and Israeli foreign policy, young Syrian had associated it with Lebanon and violence.

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Today the young Syrians are straggling much behind the youth in Lebanon and Iran. Banking, education and social reforms are stagnant. There is virtually no educational opportunity in this country, and a Syrian degree is accepted nowhere outside Syria. They love American and Israeli products and envy their culture, but hate them. They see America and Israel as enemies of Islam.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are two Islamic hells on earth. Trapped among Allah, Army and America, these two failing states pose a much graver threat to global security than the Middle East. With a Taliban’s vision of Islamic law in Afghanistan, children begin their education with “A for Allah, J for Jihad”. Davis (2002, p. 90) quoted from a fourth-grade mathematics textbook,

The speed of a Kalashnikov bullet is 800 meters per second. If a Russian is at a distance of 3200 meters from a mujahid, and that mujahid aims at the Russian’s head, calculate how many seconds it will take for the bullet to strike the Russian in the forehead?

Primary and secondary education in Afghanistan is strongly dominated by an interpretation of Islam that teaches intolerance and hatred. No doubt, with such a teaching system, Madrassahs provide a perfect breeding ground for transnational terrorists. In the Madrassah, there are, as Andrew Coulson commented (cited Riaz, 2008, p. 21), “spartan classrooms in which children rocked back and forth reciting passages from the Koran” and “common to most of these schools … [are] students’ and teachers’ unwavering support for Osama bin Laden, and their hostility toward the West, Jews, Hindus, and particularly the United States”.

Extreme poverty works as a catalyst. Afghanistan boasts some of the worst living conditions and statistics ever recorded while the warlords are rolling in millions of dollars. After the Soviet withdrawal, the interim government was so poor that many ministers even did not have desks and chairs or even sufficient pens (unbelievable but true) let alone having a building to call their own. Some of them ran their office in discarded tents, normally used for beer garden festivals (Rashid, 2008, pp. 129, 140). Easily preventable epidemics such as measles, flu, and even diarrhea kills thousands of people every month, and fifteen thousand women dies every month from pregnancy-related illness. Because of short life-expectancy, Afghanistan has the youngest population in the world with 57 percent under the age of 18. Multiple generations of the adults had not had any education and had known only war. The Taliban has no concern for the public, nor any sense of responsibly towards them. UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi commented (Rashid, 2001, p. 207), “We are dealing here with a failed state which looks like an infected wound. You don’t even know where to start cleaning it”.

A good education system provides a stepping-stone for the future. The education system of Afghanistan and Pakistan is so downgraded that the ministry cannot even distinguish between doctrination and education. Snook (1972, p. 75) defines doctrination as, “the teaching of any subject matter that it be believed regardless of evidence”. Wright (2004, p. 173) defines education as a process where students “are encouraged to question the established the social and personal goals of society by engaging with substantial meta-critical questions”. Simply speaking, this is a debate between intention and action. Awareness begins with education, not indoctrination. If the teacher has himself been indoctrinated, his intention will be same as that of any good educator – to pass on the ‘truth’ in any reasonable manner.

The Saudis will not allow Pakistan to prosper. The fate of Pakistan matters greatly to the Saudis because, in addition to nearly bordering on the Persian Gulf, it gives them constant supply of laborers and soldiers. For that purpose, the Pakistanis must remain in deep poverty. King Khalid, the ruler of Saudi Arabia, had made a big promise to Pakistan when he was happy with the Islamization programme in Pakistan. The political promise was “Saudi gold coffers will be open to Pakistan once it has an Islamic government” (Pipes, 2002, p. 311). Today Pakistan is one of the world’s least developed nations – the golden promise of Saudi is long forgotten. In addition, the civil war has left the country in a fragile state. Islamic indoctrination served to as a means to enhance the attraction of poor Pakistanis as laborers for the sheikdom. Today, Pakistan is beyond the point of no return, and we should not forget that it is a nuclear weapons state with a very bad record of proliferation.

Majority of Muslims living in Western Europe is of immigrant origin – most of them are the result of economic migration of 1960s and 1970s. Contrary to expectations that Muslim immigrants would successfully assimilate, they are reaffirming their Islamic identity as a new political identification, and some of them turn to terrorism against their adopted country. The social problems that Western Muslims face today are ultimately complex, and this problem will worsen with time. What is their responsibility / accountability towards the next generations? If present generation Muslims want to tackle this problem, they have to act today. This problem cannot be solved by putting more trust on Allah. Allah is a failed hypothesis. There is neither intellectual solidarity nor an ethical commitment towards the future generations.

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Muslims say that they love death more than the Infidels love life. Yes, it’s going to happen; hostility and hatred toward Infidels cannot go on unabated. When the infidels will join hands and take a firm stand against Islam, the angel of death will haunt the Muslim children every single night – slowly and painfully – and every morning the Muslim children will wake up in bed, knowing he would have to die again later, every moment of every night for the rest of their lives. That is his greatest curse and his eternal punishment for following an imposture and psychopath

prophet who owes his greatness to his followers ruin.

If Muslims want to avoid such a situation they need to teach their children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. The ultimate power to change the young lies in the hands of the parents. The present generation Muslims has moral duties to those who will be living in the future. Their opportunities for a truly human life should not be undermined. Mankind’s greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear. Today, a Muslim’s competition is not the infidels but the time they kill, the ill they create, the knowledge they neglect to learn and the connections they fail to build, no matter how powerful the Allah is supposed to be. Ethical judgment can be made based on knowledge, not ignorance. All problems the Muslim Ummah is facing today are created by the absurd ideology they follow. When a man is disregarded in his construction, the problems will never be solved.

The future Muslims should have a personal identity instead of a religious identity. Otherwise they will continue living in a self-image of insignificance, powerlessness and sinfulness as humans. Since it is not possible within Islam as it is a totalitarian ideology, Muslims should reject Islam completely. This is the only way they can save their children from the poisonous manipulation for Muhammad’s selfish teachings. At the same time they must adopt more positive values of modern society by developing scientific questioning and critical thinking skill. A sense of morality and instigative thinking can only develop and expansion of justice, dignity, equality, human worth and human rights can only manifest when they will appreciate the intrinsic value of the moral itself instead of a blind obedience to the command of Allah and Muhammad. The baseless and foolish hell-fire theory of the Muslim faith is not only a defective teaching but also an insult to human faculty. Allah’s punishment in this life or ‘tormented in the hellfire forever’ are all nonsense. These are deep threats to a Muslim’s own well-beings. Once Islam is completely rejected and put at permanent rest in the dustbin of history, Muslims will be able resolve conflicts in a non-violent means and work towards a just, peaceful and democratic community. They will also be able to recognize and accept the values which exist in the diversity of individuals, societies and cultures. Qur’an is a satanic book, it has no constructive power. Once this demonic scripture is utterly rejected, there is no genuine reason to fear that mankind will bring upon itself its own extinction. Humanity as a whole must move beyond self-interest and into post-conventional morality.



  1. Bradley, John R. (2006); Saudi Arabia Exposed, Palgrave Macmillian, NY
  2. Cohen, Jared (20070); Children of Jihad: A Young American’s Travels Among the Youth of the Middle-East, Gotham Books, USA
  3. Davis, Craig (2002); “A” is for Allah, “J” is for Jihad, World Policy Journal. Spring 2002 issue.
  4. Gerges, Fawaz A. (2016); ISIS: A History, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  5. Ledgard, Jared (2008); The Eternal Equinox A fundamentalist analysis on how terrorists think, theory, and structure, self-published from US.
  6. Nakhleh, Emile (2014); The Islamic State’s Ideology Is Grounded in Saudi Education, Inter Press Service News Agency, published on 31st Oct. 2014, URL: http://www.ipsnews.net/2014/10/opinion-the-islamic-states-ideology-is-grounded-in-saudi-education/ (Accessed on 24th March 2016)
  7. Phares, Walid (2005); Future Jihad: Terrorist strategies against America, Palgrave Macmillan, NY.
  8. Pipes, Danial (2002); In the path of god: Islam and political power, Transaction publishers, New Jersey.
  9. Rashid, Ahmed (2001); Taliban: the story of the Afghan Warlords, Pan books, UK.
  10. Rashid, Ahmed (2008); Descent into Chaos, Penguin books, London.
  11. Riaz, Ali (2008); Faithful Education: Madrassahs in South Asia, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey,
  12. Snook, Ivan, A (1972); Indoctrination and education, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
  13. West, Diana (2008); The Death of the Grown-Up: How America’s Arrested Development Is Bringing Down Western Civilization, St. Martin’s Griffin. NY
  14. Wright, Andrew (2004); Religion, Education and Post-modernity, Routledge, London.


Author can be contacted at [email protected]

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