UNRWA Teachers Refuse to Teach Holocaust Studies

Today’s Top Stories:

1. Jordanian teachers in UNRWA schools say they’ll refuse to teach Holocaust studies to their Palestinian pupils. The Times of Israel quotes from the teachers’ statement:

“Teaching UNRWA students about the so-called ‘Holocaust’ as part of human rights harms the Palestinian cause . . . and changes the students’ views regarding their main enemy, namely the Israeli occupation.”

According to the Times, 122,000 students are enrolled in 172 UNRWA-operated schools in Jordan. Teacher, leave them kids alone!

2. European diplomat to the LA Times: “Iran’s economy is imploding so quickly that it could essentially collapse next spring.”

Western government experts estimate that Iran will run out of foreign exchange reserves in six months to a year, making it impossible for the Islamic Republic to sell products abroad and buy the imports it needs to continue its manufacturing sector and run public services, the European diplomat said . . .

Western governments have focused on calculating when Iran’s foreign exchange reserves will run low because they want to force the government to yield on nuclear development before it can enrich enough uranium and acquire sufficient knowledge to build a working warhead.

Indeed, the Christian Science Monitor reports stirrings of popular unrest as the value of Iranian currency plummets faster than Felix Baumgartner on his better days:

3. Press TV’s anger at being knocked off European airwaves took a not unexpected turn. Blaming Israel:

Eutelsat says it is European, but it is actually Israeli. French sounding “Michel de Rosen” runs Eutelsat, an Israeli citizen, company with Israeli stockholders, a company long dictated to by extremist groups within Israel, the militant ultra-nationalists of the Likudist regime of Netanyahu.

Rest O’ the Roundup

AFP/Al Ahram: Gaza’s Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyeh, delegated his responsibilities to his deputy, Ziyad al-Zaza so that Haniyeh can “focus on the Hamas movement’s internal reform.” But analysts told the Times of Israel Haniyeh’s laying the groundwork to succeed Khaled Meshaal as Hamas’ overall top dog. Count on things to get stick with Fatah:

According to Palestinian authority law, only the president has the power to appoint a new prime minister.

Israeli airstrikes hit Salafi rocket cell — killing two — and a Hamas training base.  YNet reports that two Israelis in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council were treated for shock when a Qassam landed in the yard of a private residence.

Say what???


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