Will This Be the End of the Great American Experiment? Democrats’ Efforts to Pass ‘Right to Cheat’ Bill Will End Free and Fair US Elections Forevermore – Here’s What You Can Do…

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It’s all about power.  Will elections in the US continue or will the Democrats pass HR1 which will end this great American experiment? 

Barack Obama and Joe Biden wouldn’t accept the 2016 election win of President Trump so they attempted to steal it.  When that didn’t work they put together a series of coups to have him removed from office.  This harassment and insurrection went on for years.

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There was no Russia collusion, everyone knew it.  But this was the excuse the Deep State used to end Trump.  When they couldn’t do it they then stole the 2020 Election.  Their efforts to date have only made President Trump’s base stronger and more resolved to take this country back for our children and grandchildren.

We are the majority and we are getting bigger and stronger.

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The Democrats know they cannot win elections with their insane, America-destroying policies.  So they now want to steal elections forevermore.  HR1 will federalize elections making voter IDs and proof of US citizenship a thing of the past.  Individuals can sign up for the election on the day of the election.  Elections will end and the winners will be the counters and those who throw the most ballots into drop boxes at 2 am in the morning.  The US will officially become a banana republic.

Rush Limbaugh knew this in October 2020 before the election.

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“Democrats Want to End Elections” – Rush Limbaugh Predicted Perfectly in October How Democrats Would Cheat and Steal This Year’s Election

The Democrats now want to codify the stolen election of 2020 by pushing through HR1.  If this passes nothing else matters. 

Free and fair elections will be a thing of the past.  

The Democrats know it.  Like they were willing to do anything to steal the 2020 Election, they will do anything to pass HR1.  This is a communist takeover.  Redstate reports:

Over the weekend, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) attacked Republican election integrity bills, claiming they were a “legislative continuation of Jan. 6.” Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) gave the game away, admitting that the real purpose of their ‘voting rights’ push was a federal takeover of elections. Clyburn claimed that the “federal elections cannot be left up to the states, should not be left up to the states.” It’s all about control.

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But now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is saying the quiet part out loud too, explaining that the Democrats — “every single senator”– are worried that they will lose their races if Democrats don’t control elections.

Of course, Obama is behind it and he made it known today per Daily Mail:

Barack Obama joined the campaign to pressure Democratic senators into supporting voting rights legislation, backing Joe Biden‘s demand to kill the filibuster, calling it a tool to ‘prop up Jim Crown.’

The former president, in an op-ed published in USA Today, writes the Senate filibuster ‘has no basis in the Constitution’ and arguing it was used by Southern senators to block civil rights legislation that disinfranchised black voters.

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‘I fully support President Joe Biden’s call to modify Senate rules as necessary to make sure pending voting rights legislation gets called for a vote,’ Obama wrote.

Today feckless and senile Joe Biden is scheduled to visit Congress to push for HR1.

This is serious.  Pass the HR1 and the elimination of the filibuster and end the country as we know it.  It’s that simple. 

The Democrats will do anything to pass HR1.  One thought is that today the corrupt Democrats in the House will send a message to Schumer with a NASA bill that they will vote on today.  In that NASA bill, the Democrats will insert the America-ending HR1 bill.  They will then send it to the Senate which will debate the bill and then Schumer will vote on HR1 using the nuclear option and a simple majority to pass the bill.  If all Democrats in the Senate vote on the bill, America will end.

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You can help.  The Tea Party Patriots have provided the following list of action items:

See below for links to our four action campaigns hosted on the AlignAct platform. You can do all four in about five minutes.

Simply click on the links below – if it’s your first time using AlignAct, you will register (your address is needed to know who your elected officials are) – and you will be directed to the campaign. With a few clicks you’ll be able to post to social media, send an email, sign a petition, and finally, it will show you the names, phone numbers, and a very short script to use when you call the elected officials we are targeting. Powerful!

1 – Speak Out Against President Biden’s Election Integrity Deceptions!

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This campaign is a social media campaign that pushes back on the inaccuracies of Joe Biden’s Tuesday’s speech.

2 – Save the Senate!

This campaign is to show support for Senators Manchin and Sinema, encouraging them to stay strong in their opposition to changing the filibuster. They are under intense pressure from the Left.

3 – Dear Senators: Keep Your Promise to Protect the Filibuster!

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This campaign is targeted at several Democrats who signed a 2017 letter defending the filibuster. Further, it urges Senators McConnell and Schumer to not make any filibuster changes.

4 – Save the Filibuster, Save Our Elections!

This campaign allows everyone to contact their own Senators, urging them to protect and defend the filibuster, and to vote no on the federal takeover of our elections.

Finally, please forward this information to your networks as well – we must get the word out!

Source material can be found at this site.

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