Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wants to mutilate your children to “protect the rights of LGBTQ people”

Image: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wants to mutilate your children to “protect the rights of LGBTQ people”
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(Natural News)
In response to several other states that have banned such horrific practices, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, a Democrat, has signed an executive order to make Minnesota a sanctuary state for children to get their genitals sliced without shame or punishment.

Walz’s child-mutilating executive action claims to be about “protecting the rights of LGBTQ people from Minnesota and other states to receive gender affirming health care.” Notice the use of the phrase “and other states,” which suggests that Walz wants to make Minnesota a “gender affirming” destination state for confused, mentally ill minors to destroy their bodies.

“We want every Minnesotan to grow up feeling safe, valued, protected, celebrated, and free to exist as their authentic versions of themselves,” Walz proudly announced about his child mutilation executive action.

“Protecting and supporting access to gender affirming health care is essential to being a welcoming and supportive state,” he added.”

In a tweet, Walz added that he and his constituents’ “LGBTQ+ neighbors will not be denied or punished for seeking life-affirming and lifesaving medical care.”

(Related: Facebook also enjoys the idea of children being sexually mutilated through LGBT surgery and drugging.)

Is cutting off children’s genitals really a “lifesaving” procedure?

The move comes as Minnesota’s neighbor to the south, South Dakota, banned child mutilation for minors just last month. Oklahoma, Texas, and a number of other states either already have or are planning to follow suit.

To set his state apart from the others, Walz decided to embrace child mutilation on behalf of all Minnesota, proudly opening up his state to child mutilation tourism by making it a destination for such procedures.

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Walz has yet to delineate how he came to the conclusion that destroying children’s reproductive and growth capacity while stunting their development and forever disabling their bodies from functioning as normal is “lifesaving.” And nobody from the media has bothered to even ask him.

As far as we can tell, there is absolutely nothing lifesaving about destroying a child’s delicate hormonal system. Castrating young boys and removing the breasts of young girls only creates a pathway to lifelong misery and suffering, which Walz apparently supports.

“The closest argument that can be made, which LGBTQ+++™ activists often do make, is that not allowing parents to surgically mutilate the children in their custody will result in their suicide,” writes Ben Bartee for The Daily Bell.

“But if said children so desire cutting off their genitals and / or undergoing hormone replacement therapy (thereby preventing the natural, biologically necessary process of puberty) to the point that they will attempt to kill themselves if they are denied such liberties, that’s a mental health problem.”

If Walz were a good and honest man with integrity, he would acknowledge the reality that the best course of treatment for so-called “trans” youth is psychological therapy, not giving in to their whimsical demands to go under the knife and take endocrine-disrupting drugs for the rest of their lives.

The fact of the matter is that “gender affirming” procedures are high-profit procedures, this being a major reason why certain segments of society are pushing it on children as aggressively as they are.

Dr. Ellen Clayton of Vanderbilt Health’s Clinic for Transgender Health infamously bragged about all the money that is generated from these surgeries. You can watch her speak below about the profit streams that come from mutilating children and destroying their lives:

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“If we’ve learned one thing from COVID, it’s that the profiteering medical industry has no interest in patient welfare,” Bartee further writes. “If it can make a buck at their patient’s expense, it’s just as good as a dollar made actually helping them improve their health. It’s all about the Benjamins.”

How close are we to finally seeing the child mutilators tossed into the sea with a millstone around their neck? Find out more at Transhumanism.news.

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