Hackers should face criminal probe over ‘Climategate’

By Michael O’Brien Leaked e-mails undermining climate change science should be treated as a criminal matter, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Wednesday afternoon. Boxer, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said that the recently released e-mails, showing scientists overstating the case for climate change, should be treated as a crime. […]

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AMAC vs. AARP – David vs. Goliath

AMAC vs. AARP – David vs. Goliath There are two organizations representing citizens 50 plus. AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens has 10’s of thousands of members AARP has 26 million Members. The leadership of AARP has proven themselves to be a liberal leaning group that endorsed expensive Obamacare, without the consent of their […]

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Net Neutrality Update

Posted by Neil Stevens I’ve been held underwater by work lately and am just now catching up with this thing called “posting,” so forgive me if this post is light on links and details, but I want to give you all a heads up on what’s coming down the pipe in the Obama/Google administration. The […]

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U.S. Recognizes Honduran President-Elect, But Regional Leftists Balk

By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor Honduras’ President-elect Porfirio Lobo at a press conference in Tegucigalpa on Monday, Nov. 30, 2009. (AP Photo) (CNSNews.com) – The Obama administration said Monday it recognized the outcome of Honduras’ presidential election, but it stressed that an end to the country’s political crisis would require further steps, including the reinstatement […]

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Swiss vote to ban Islamic minarets

GENEVA – Swiss voters approved a move to ban the construction of minarets in a Sunday vote on a right-wing initiative that labeled the mosque towers as symbols of militant Islam, projections by a widely respected polling institute showed. The projections based on partial returns say Swiss swung from only 37 percent supporting the proposal […]

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CA Atty. Gen. Offer Incoherent, Troubling Answers Regarding Currupt ACORN

CALIFORNIA– On Tuesday November 24th, the day after Big Government broke the story revealing tens of thousands of documents containing sensitive material had been unceremoniously dumped in a trash bin behind the San Diego ACORN office, Attorney General Jerry Brown appeared on Talk Radio KABC’s Peter Tilden Show. Considering this document dump occurred just a […]

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Lieberman Says No

Posted by Erick Erickson The Wall Street Journal reports Joe Lieberman is digging in his heels. He will filibuster any health care legislation that contains a public option, even if the legislation allows states to opt-out. Lieberman has been a thorn in the side of the left ever since they decided to challenge him back […]

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