Democrats Made Promises; President Trump Delivered

“Democrats talk a big game about raising living standards for the ‘little man,’” Adam Brandon writes. “But the Trump administration is getting it done.” On school choice, criminal justice reform, record-low minority unemployment, and more, Democrats have promised progress in disenfranchised urban communities for generations. The left’s actual policies, however, have only made matters worse. […]

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Trump’s Budget Weighs In at $4.8 Trillion, Projects Deficits Until 2035

The Trump administration on Monday presented a $4.8 trillion spending proposal for fiscal 2021 to Congress that would balance the federal budget in 15 years, cut foreign aid, and boost the nuclear arsenal. President Donald Trump’s spending plan also asks Congress to increase spending for border security, infrastructure, and NASA. “The plan offered today proposes […]

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We Hear You: From Gender Identity in Sports to Second Amendment Rights

Editor’s note: We’re back with another batch of your emails on our coverage of the nation’s policy debates. Got a point to make? Write to [email protected]—Ken McIntyre Dear Daily Signal: Kelsey Bolar’s treatment in her video report of the issue of transgender athletes in girls sports is more in depth than a previous article I […]

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Banned in Britain: Franklin Graham’s Tour Dates Canceled Over Christian Beliefs

Evangelist and missionary Franklin Graham’s seven-city tour of the United Kingdom is now a trial, as all seven venues have dropped him. Graham’s canceled dates likely are due to an “an outcry over his homophobic and Islamophobic comments,” CNN reports. Although I don’t agree with everything Graham has said by any means, it’s disheartening to […]

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Clarence Thomas Says New Ethics Rule Will ‘Silence’ Federalist Society

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas panned a draft ethics rule that would dissuade judges from formally enrolling in ideological groups like the Federalist Society and its liberal counterpart, the American Constitution Society. Speaking [last week] at a Federalist Society conference in Florida, Thomas suggested the proposal is an attempt to silence the conservative lawyers group. […]

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Trump Lauds Black Pastor Who Is Rebuilding Church After Arson

President Donald Trump took time Thursday to recognize the pastor of one of three black churches in Louisiana burned last year by an arsonist. Trump, speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, saluted the Rev. Gerald Toussaint, pastor of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, a 140-year-old house of worship in St. Landry Parish. “Last year, Mount Pleasant […]

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8 Moments on Senate Floor Before the Vote to Acquit Trump

The Senate voted Wednesday afternoon to acquit President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment following 11 days of arguments by House prosecutors and the president’s defense team. After speeches by senators, Chief Justice John Roberts, who presided over the trial, gaveled in the court of impeachment to render verdicts in one of the least suspenseful […]

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