Where Are the Jobs, Mr. President?

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) is convinced that President Obama has no viable plan to revive the economy and reduce unemployment. Two years after the failed stimulus and a year since the administration’s “summer of recovery,” the unemployment rate now stands at 9.1 percent. Without much hope coming from the White House, Hensarling said lawmakers in […]

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Leaked: Assad Regime Tied to Israel Border Riots

Leaked: Assad Regime Tied to Israel Border Riots We criticized the media for taking Syrian propaganda at face value in the wake of incidents on the Israeli-Syrian border. Unverified casualty figures were broadcast despite their being based solely on Syrian claims. Despite the media’s romanticism for a story of Palestinian “refugees” attempting to return to […]

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What Should Congress Do About Libya?

The President’s actions in Libya have put the U.S., the Congress, and NATO in a bind. The Obama Administration’s failure to include Congress in its Libya deliberations prior to launching the operation and its subsequent refusal to address congressional concerns are inexcusable and have justifiably angered Congress. As frustrating as Obama’s Libya policies are,  Congress […]

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Will Congress Stand Together on Libya?

After backpedaling on debating S. Res. 194, a resolution on the use of U.S. military force and operations in Libya, Senator John Kerry (D–MA), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has finally decided to hold a meeting this Thursday to mark up the resolution. The House of Representatives took the lead two weeks ago […]

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Progress in Colombia Aids Its FTA Case

June 10 marked an important step forward in Colombia’s efforts to build enduring democratic security and pursue justice: Colombia’s president, Juan Manuel Santos, signed the Victims’ and Land Restitution Law. In the past, violence perpetrated primarily by paramilitary groups and guerrillas displaced 4 million Colombians, forcing them off as much as 16 million acres of […]

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NLRB Faces Backlash on Eve of Boeing Hearing

An administrative law judge with the National Labor Relations Board takes up the agency’s dubious charges against Boeing tomorrow in Seattle. The hearing comes at a time when the NLRB, currently controlled by liberal appointees, is facing widespread backlash for its decision. The dispute between Boeing and the NLRB came up at Monday’s presidential debate […]

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House and Senate Cloakroom: June 13-17, 2011

House Cloakroom: June 13-17 Analysis: The House returned from a weeklong recess today and began legislative business.  Completing work on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill is first on the agenda today. Tomorrow, the House will convene at 10:00am and will consider the Agriculture Appropriations Bill.  Patent Reform legislation may come up at […]

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Miami Lies: Herald Publishes Apartheid Smear Op-Ed

Miami Lies: Herald Publishes Apartheid Smear Op-Ed The Miami Herald has seen fit to publish an op-ed by Samah Sabawi who is described as a policy advisor for Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network. A look at Al-Shabaka’s website reveals the organization: provides a platform for diverse Palestinian viewpoints within the framework of the vision and […]

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Guest Blog: Rep. Mike Kelly on the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement

In April, I visited South Korea and met with government and military leaders to promote vital U.S. interests in East Asia.   Among those priorities is the long overdue passage of the South Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), which has been stalled in typical Washington fashion since 2007. If ratified, KORUS will stimulate America’s economic […]

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