Guest Blog: Georgians Will Continue to Fight for School Choice Options

Better than 97 percent proficient in reading, 94 percent proficient in math, and a perfect 100 percent in writing: These are the most recent criterion-referenced competency test and 8th grade writing assessment scores for Ivy Preparatory Charter School located in Gwinnett County, a suburb of Atlanta. In a state where K–12 education results are not […]

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‘Blizzard’ of Words, but Panetta’s Actions Will Determine National Security

At his confirmation hearing today, Defense Secretary nominee Leon Panetta argued that the Cold War of the 20th century had been replaced by a “blizzard” of threats in the 21st. Remarking that “for our troops, there has been no shortage of war,” Panetta will likely concentrate on winding down American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, […]

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Why Isn’t the National Debt a Sexy Story?

Speaking at yesterday’s Bloggers Briefing, conservative filmmaker Stephen Bannon held up a copy of USA Today to demonstrate the challenge of getting Americans to take seriously this country’s debt crisis. On the front page was a banner headline, “U.S. owes $62 trillion.” Underneath the headline and above the fold was a photo of a tearful Rep. […]

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Obama’s Transparency on Science Doesn’t Include Nuclear

Today the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology released a comprehensive report that details the Obama Administration’s attempt to prematurely and unnecessarily shut down the used nuclear fuel repository at Yucca Mountain. The report demonstrates that issues surrounding opening Yucca Mountain are purely political and not one bit scientific and technical. Perhaps the most […]

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PODCAST: Unemployment

In a recent Heritage in Focus, Heritage expert James Sherk discusses the recent unemployment report. Listen to the full podcast, here. The recent jobs report released was extraordinary. For the first time in its history, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that the average length of unemployment was nearly 40 weeks – the longest […]

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Rep. Paul Ryan: America Exceptional at Home and Abroad

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the champion of necessary but unpopular fiscal reform, spoke this month about America’s exceptional political ideas and how they should be reflected in our foreign policy. In so doing he rejected isolationism and reinforced the Founders’ commitment to making America an indispensable nation for the cause of freedom, by maintaining American […]

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Obama Continues US Routine of Keeping Embassy out of Jerusalem; Gives No Explanation

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday continued a long-standing U.S. policy of exercising a waiver to a Congressional law that provides for the embassy to be moved to Jerusalem. The presidential decision came two days after the Israeli holiday celebrating the reunification of the capital in the Six-Day War in 1967. The law requires presidents […]

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Legal Warfare May Stop IHH Flotilla

Threats of a lawsuit against a firm supplying communications equipment to the IHH flotilla may stop the ships from sailing for Hams-controlled Gaza without a shot being fired. The flotilla is scheduled to sail later this month. Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) announced Monday that it has warned the Inmarsat mobile satellite services company that […]

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