Florida’s Universal Education Choice Moment

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday that the state legislature intends to establish Equal Opportunity Scholarships designed to end the current waiting list on the tax credit scholarship program—a move the Republican chief executive supports. The Florida Tax Credit Scholarship—which provides scholarships to eligible children to attend a private school of choice, and which is […]

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Parkland Massacre Survivor, Father of Victim Reflect on a Year Fighting for School Safety

One year after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and staff dead, Kyle Kashuv and Andrew Pollack have emerged as two of the most prominent and outspoken critics of Broward County officials and defenders of the Second Amendment. Pollack, who lost his daughter Meadow, 18, in the massacre on Feb. 14, […]

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A Year After Parkland Shooting, Gun Control Activists Still Misdiagnose the Problem

Any credible doctor will say that having the right diagnosis is important. If a patient receives the wrong diagnosis, he is almost certain to begin the wrong treatment. That can mean not just that the patient doesn’t get any better, but that the “treatment” actively harms him. Imagine, for example, starting chemotherapy for a broken […]

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7 Things to Know About Rep. Ilhan Omar

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that Rep. Ilhan Omar should resign over anti-Semitic remarks the freshman lawmaker has made. “I think she should either resign from Congress, or she should certainly resign from the House Foreign Affairs Committee,” Trump said of the Minnesota Democrat during a Cabinet meeting. Here are six things to know about […]

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Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Bizarre ‘Apology’ for Anti-Semitic Remarks Doesn’t Cut It

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., only multiplied bipartisan concerns about her by accusing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, of purchasing the support of American politicians for Israel. Omar’s allegation of illegality perpetuates a nasty caricature of Jewish people dating back to the first century: that of Jewish citizens subversively using their wealth to […]

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