Economic Freedom Key to Ensuring We Have Dynamic Entrepreneurs

THE HAGUE, Netherlands–Proactively promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic freedom continues to be a critical pillar of U.S. engagement with the world. One sign of this is the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, which the United States co-hosts this week with the Netherlands. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte opened the 2019 summit […]

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3 Things to Know About a Disaster Spending Bill Conservatives Couldn’t Stop

A  $19.1 billion disaster aid bill that faced significant opposition from conservative Republicans passed the House on Monday evening by a lopsided vote of 354-58. Only Republicans voted against the measure, which includes funding in the aftermath of hurricanes, wildfires, and other storms as well as money to help Puerto Rico rebuild from hurricane damage […]

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These Are the Hollywood Studios Threatening to Boycott Georgia Over Pro-Life Law

A growing number of Hollywood studios said they will consider no longer conducting their filming business in Georgia should the heartbeat law take effect in 2020. The film industry adds about $9.5 billion to Georgia’s economy, but a variety of Hollywood studios said the heartbeat law violates Roe v. Wade and that they are considering […]

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Trump Nominee Defends His Argument Against Catholic Farmer Who Would Not Host Same-Sex Weddings

Sen. Josh Hawley: So, you think those things are equivalent. You think that the Catholic family’s pointing to the teachings of their church is equivalent to a KKK member invoking Christianity? That’s your view? Michael S. Bogren: From a legal perspective— Hawley: You can just give me a yes or no answer on that. Bogren: […]

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Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Fingerprints to Obtain Gun License

The Illinois House of Representatives passed a bill on May 29 that would require residents to give their fingerprints in order to obtain a firearm license. The bill passed 62-52, and now moves on to the Illinois Senate. State Representative Julie Morrison (D-Ill.) declared, “Fingerprinting increases our ability to look at records in other states, […]

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Supreme Court Rejects Case On Transgender Bathrooms. Here’s Why It’s Still a Huge Issue.

The Supreme Court rejected a case regarding school policy in a district which allows transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court denied cert to Doe v. Boyertown Area School District, a case concerning a gender identity bathroom and locker room policy at a Pennsylvania high school. In declining to […]

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Ocasio-Cortez Tweet Prompts Ted Cruz’s Offer of Support for Ban on Lobbying by Former Members of Congress

In a recent Twitter interaction, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) agreed to work together on a bill that bans members of Congress from becoming professional lobbyists. It started Thursday with a tweet by Ocasio-Cortez decrying the findings of progressive consumer rights group Public Citizen that nearly 60 percent of former congressmen […]

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