Barack Obama, Saboteur at Large

By Judi McLeod Most of us knew that the mainstream media would move in with the most creative alibis for Susan Rice requesting the unmasking of Trump officials,  by daybreak today. As sure as daybreak follows night, CBS was first. “Then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice did at times ask that certain names in intelligence reports […]

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Fresh evidence the Russia ‘scandal’ is a Team Obama operation

Do you suspect that the noise over Trump campaign contacts with the Russians is just a political hit arranged by Obama insiders before they left? You got fresh evidence of that Monday, with news that then-national security adviser Susan Rice was behind the “unmasking” of Trumpites in transcripts of calls with Russian officials. Again, nothing […]

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If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?

This was making waves yesterday, after Evelyn Farkas admitted to Mika from The Morning Joe show that she strongly advised people ‘on the hill’ and in our intelligence agencies to tuck away intelligence regarding Russo-Trump ties for the sake of preservation, in an effort to protect it from the onerous bureaucracy she obviously finds to […]

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Russia: God Will Judge Obama For What He Did to Syria

According to Russia’s Foreign Minister, only God can judge Obama for his crimes against the people of Syria.  In an interview published by the National Interest yesterday, Sergei Lavrov insisted that the U.S.-led “anti-terrorism” coalition in Syria “never touched” Islamic State oil convoys, which helped to finance the spread of terrorism in the region. Lavrov also […]

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MSM sits on Evelyn Farkas Story; Suppression of Obama’s Illegal Surveillance of Trump

Too sad for words for American readers, television viewers and radio listeners, that the MSM couldn’t give a damn By Judi McLeod The mainstream media, including its alphabet television news networks, the New York Times and Washington Post are sitting this morning on the bombshell revelation that ex-Obama official Evelyn Farkas appears to have owned […]

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NSA Whistleblower Destroys Obama’s Russia Narrative – “Hard Evidence Points To An Inside Leak, Not Hacking”

by Tyler Durden A group of retired senior intelligence officials, including the NSA whistleblower William Binney (former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA), have posted an open letter on that destroys the Obama administration’s “Russian hacking” narrative.  Within the letter, Binney argues that, thanks to the NSA’s “extensive domestic data-collection network,” any […]

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Potential ‘smoking gun’ showing Obama administration spied on Trump team, source says

Republican congressional investigators expect a potential “smoking gun” establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News. Classified intelligence showing incidental collection of Trump team communications, purportedly seen by committee Chairman Devin Nunes, […]

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VIDEO: Obama Trouble, New Findings by House Intel Chair Collection of Information Against Trump

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R., Calif.) confirmed Wednesday that members of President Donald Trump’s transition team were surveilled by the Obama administration. Obama is not going to be sleeping well this week, how far will this go, to Obama’s  eventual prison cell? Anything is possible is the massive coverup by the Liberal […]

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The DOJ’s Latest Misbehavior

For the past decade, John Fund, J. Christian Adams, and I have been writing about the misbehavior, unethical conduct, and lack of professionalism exhibited by lawyers inside the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department, including the Voting Section. The situation apparently has not improved, given the serious accusations of unprofessional conduct made by […]

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