Why Bibi and Israel Must Attack Iran Now
By Peter Paton Obama’s hesitation, weakness and hand wringing over Syria is the definitive proof that Obama will never take any military action to stop Iran getting Nuclear Weapons, thus Israel must act accordingly. “Attack is the Best Form of Defense ” Bruce Lee Israel would do well to listen to the wise and astute […]
Pakistan Says It Captured Bin Laden Aide
Pakistan says it has arrested senior Al Qaeda terrorist Younis al-Mauritani, who took orders from Osama Bin Laden before he was killed. U.S. intelligence assisted in capturing him along with two aides. “Mauritani was tasked personally by Osama Bin Laden to focus on hitting targets of economic importance in United States of America, Europe and […]
Palmer Report: Israel Vindicated, Media Shrugs
The UN’s Palmer Report into the events of the first Gaza flotilla in 2010 came to a number of important conclusions that, in the main vindicated Israel’s positions: Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is legal and Israel has the right to enforce the blockade, including in international waters. The decision to breach the naval blockade […]
Operation Fast and Furious: An Obama Foreign Policy Disconnect
During the past week, the U.S. and Colombia indicted and arrested more than 50 individuals charged with organizing maritime and aerial smuggling of cocaine from Colombia to the U.S. via Central America and Mexico. The arrests again reflect the sustained nature of close law enforcement cooperation between the U.S. and Colombia. This cooperation has been […]
A Jobless Labor Day
Job-seekers (L) talk to employers (R) during an outdoor job fair at the Crenshaw Christian Center in South Los Angeles August. 31, 2011. For 14 million unemployed Americans and their families, this Labor Day will not be a happy one. Instead of enjoying a day off of work, they’re suffering a disturbing trend under the […]
Funny Video on Islam, Pelosi and Others. Probably Illegal in Iran
Segment from recent HBO comedy special. Miller’s take on Islam, Terrorists, Moderates, Cuba, the Vice Presidents hair plugs and not to forget Nancy Pelosi. … Radio Host and Political Comedian Dennis Miller, HBO [youtube cAnkj9aL4O4 nolink]
25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button
(TheEconomicCollapse) Most of the worst financial panics in history have happened in the fall. Just recall what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2008. Well, September 2011 is about to begin and there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to hit the big red panic button. Wave after wave of bad […]
Obama to Call for Washington-Built Schools in Thursday ‘Jobs Speech’
President Obama will likely call for more education spending in his jobs speech scheduled for Thursday, and it’s anticipated that he will make a pitch specifically for new federal funding for school construction. But federally financed school construction is problematic on constitutional and practical grounds. The U.S. Constitution does not mention the word education and […]
FHFA Sues Banks to Recover Housing Bond Losses: Less Than Meets the Eye?
News reports say that the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) will sue about 12 major banks in order to recover some of the losses that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sustained on mortgage-backed securities the banks issued. The suits will seek to make the banks repay a share of about $30 billion in losses from […]
Erasing Jews from Jerusalem
Our friends at the invaluable Palestinian Media Watch (PMW-Palwatch.org) have been diligently following the latest in the Palestinian policy of historical revisionism: erasing Jewish connection to the Temple Mount — ginning up energy for the big day at the U.N. To take but two examples of the “spurious” Jewish attachment to their “alleged” Temple, try […]
FBI, Homeland Security Warn of Small Airplane Islamic Terror Threats
WASHINGTON — The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a nationwide warning about al-Qaida threats to small airplanes, just days before the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks. There is no specific or credible Islamic terrorist threat for the 10-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, authorities said. But […]