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One Comment

  1. Dear Ms Malkin,
    Please try and refrain from using the word 'right' when stating that you are conservative, but use the word 'conservative'. Better yet, use Constitutionalist. The reason I think that you should refrain from using the word 'right' is that many folks have been brainwashed into believing that 'right' stands for Nazi. In reality, right connotates anarchy which leads to oligarchy (govt control). I wish that Hannity and others would try and get away from that word as well. Maybe you can use your persuasiveness to get the ball rolling on this issue.

    If you have a few minutes, please view this film by the Birch Society. It explains perfectly how various forms of governments have become mislabeled and their definitions skewed to confuse the masses about their own government. On a scale from left to right, it's all about total govt control on the left and anarchy on the right. You may have seen the clip or know about it, but I think that it is one of the most informative clips ever. Just take about 10 minutes. That's all I ask and hope that you agree with me on trying to get conservatives to stop using the word 'right'.

    Thank you


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