Video of Eyewitnesses in Tel Aviv, Israel: It was Indeed a Terror Attack

Israel National News TV visited the site of Sunday morning’s truck terror attack in Tel Aviv shortly afterwards and heard from eyewitnesses:

Aftermath of Tel Aviv attack
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Aftermath of Tel Aviv attack

“I stood at the bus stop and saw a speeding truck that caused cars to fly left and right,” said eyewitness Shlomo Gabbai. “It took down a railing and hit cars, until it reached the junction and saw the Egged bus which headed towards it. It turned and stopped right in front of the bus. It hit the bus and then both of them went under the bridge and stopped.”

Sigal, another eyewitness, said: “I stood here and I saw a truck dragging a white car and not letting it go. Then the truck started going in a zigzag. I didn’t even understand that it was an Arab. I started screaming and calling the police. All of this happened right before my eyes. I saw parts flying and I was in total shock. I was completely shaking.”

Gabbai described how the Arab man attacked people who neared him with parts of traffic lights that were lying on the ground after his rampage, said it took 15 minutes until a police officer showed up on the scene.

“Drivers started getting out of their cars. They came up to him and he started picking up parts from the ground and throwing at them,” described Gabbai. “Finally they realized it was a terror attack, and then about ten guys jumped him and beat him up. After 15 minutes, one police officer on a motorcycle arrived. 15 minutes!”

[youtube MvghUkJ_p3s nolink]


Source material can be found at this site.

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