Obama’s Racist Executive Order

On Thursday Barack Obama Issued a racist Executive Order. The Order titled, White House Initiative on Educational

Excellence for African Americans.

Here’s Obama’s racist policy:

To reach the ambitious education goals we have set for our Nation, as well as to ensure equality of access and opportunity for all, we must provide the support that will enable African American students to improve their level of educational achievement through rigorous and well-rounded academic and support services that will prepare them for college, a career, and a lifetime of learning.

So Obama wants to do something different for black children than for white children or Hispanics? Hmmmm, I’m thinking there needs to be a new organization equivalent to the NAACP to look out for others. Why is it that there can be special treatment for a particular ethnic group by the president, and it not call out and considered racist by the media?

Obama’s mission states:
(1) The Initiative will help to restore the United States to its role as the global leader in education; strengthen the Nation by improving educational outcomes for African Americans of all ages; and help ensure that African Americans receive a complete and competitive education that prepares them for college, a satisfying career, and productive citizenship.

(2) The Initiative will complement and reinforce the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative established by Executive Order 13532 of February 26, 2010, and together, they both will support enhanced educational outcomes for African Americans at every level of the American education system, including early childhood education; elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education; career and technical education; and adult education.

(3) To help expand educational opportunities, improve educational outcomes, and deliver a complete and competitive education for all African Americans

Except his order is not about “restoring the United States to its role as the global leader in education.” It is about preferential treatment based on color of skin and even worse it’s at the federal level!

The federal government has to be the worst place to think about setting policy for education. Because of the federal government’s intervention in education America now lags behind Russia and Finland in literacy. We also fall well behind many countries in math and science.

This is a serious demonstration of racism in the White House and yes we are calling the President of the United States a racist. I’m sure Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus will be 100% behind this special treatment of an group of students based on Obama’s preferred skin color of choice.

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