If you work somewhere, Obamacare is most likely affecting your employer—and you.
In a new paper, Heritage’s Alyene Senger explains how “Obamacare will impose new health coverage costs, the employer mandate, compliance regulations, and new taxes on all businesses.”
How will businesses respond to all these costs and regulations? What would you do? Take our quiz.
Learn more about Obamacare’s effects on businesses and workers.
Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.
Quick Hits:
- Bankruptcy hasn’t stopped Detroit’s $140 million light rail project.
- Expertise on the complex new Obamacare rules has been a windfall for many Obama Administration officials-turned-lobbyists.
- The Palestinians have called off the latest round of peace talks after a deadly clash in the West Bank.
- United Nations vehicles took fire in Syria after that country agreed to allow inspectors to investigate the country’s possible use of chemical weapons.
- Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) calls for a “grassroots tsunami” to flood Washington in support of defunding Obamacare.
- Why can’t this Tennessee man keep his pet raccoon? Hint: It involves the government.
- With uncertainty mounting in Syria, how should the U.S. respond? Join the discussion Wednesday at noon ET.
Source material can be found at this site.