Hebrew Article from 1924 Claimed Hitler “Favorable to Jews”

Shimon Rahamim, an elderly Israeli, discovered what is perhaps the strangest newspaper article ever – an article in a Hebrew-language newspaper that called Hitler “favorable to the Jewish people.” The article, said Rahamim, is more than a historical curiosity. “It is a warning for the future,” he said.

hitler article 1924 says hitler liked jews
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The Doar Hayom article

The article appeared in the Hebrew-language Doar Hayom newspaper, dated August 8, 1924. The article discusses Hitler’s role as leader of the “nationalist Germans,” and said that in an interview with a German publication, he had expressed “his warm feelings for the Jewish people.”

Hitler, the article said, had told the interviewer that all nations that had fallen in the past had suffered that fate because of their negative treatment of Jews. “He recommended that the entire world take stock” of their relations with the Jews, and adjust their behavior accordingly.

At the time, Hitler was in prison, having been arrested the year before for attempting to start a rebellion in Munich. Hitler had been sentenced to five years in prison for inciting the rebellion, known as the “Beer Hall Putsch,” but was released after only nine months, in December 1924.

It’s possible, said Rahamim, that Hitler indeed made those statements, perhaps in order to impress upon the authorities that he had reformed. At the time, though, Hitler was writing his anti-Semitic manifesto, Mein Kampf, which was published in 1925.

The lesson, said Rahamim, was that Jews needed to be very wary of those who claim to “love” them. “If they could say this about Hitler, how much more careful must we be,” he added.

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