MUSLIMS Posing As Refugees Throw Away Food & Water Given To Them By Sympathetic Europeans

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HUNGARY: The usual reason they throw away food is because it is not ‘halal’ (Islam-approved) but here they are throwing away water bottles, too, likely because Hungary has refused to send them to the generous EU welfare state of their choice.

[youtube G9tTOkAgEAI nolink]

GERMANY: Muslim illegal aliens refuse food donated to them either because it is not ‘halal’ or is not to their liking in terms of ingredients and freshness.

[youtube 3QwXpRB-Htw nolink]

MACEDONIA: Muslim invaders refuse food packages from the Red Cross because they have a ‘cross’ on the boxes and are not ‘halal.’

[youtube BM68nGs8PEo nolink]


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