Hillarinochio 2.0 – More Clinton Lies Exposed

Submitted by Tyler Durden

Another day, another “what difference does it make” lie exposed for the mainstream media to ignore and excuse as simple witch-huntery. However, this ‘lie’ is unarguable and proves once again that Hillarinochio seems to believe she is above the law. The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails (exchanged with retired Gen. David Petraeus when he headed the military’s U.S. Central Command, responsible for running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) that Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials told The Associated Press on Friday. Is it any wonder her support has been plunging recently.

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Clinton has repeatedly denied wrongdoing.

 “When I did it, it was allowed, it was above board. And now I’m being as transparent as possible, more than anybody else ever has been,” she said earlier this week, and attempted an apology.

But as CBS reports, once again her lies have been exposed…

FBI  has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials told The Associated Press on Friday, adding to the growing questions related to the Democratic presidential front-runner’s unusual usage of a private email account and server while in government.

The messages were exchanged with retired Gen. David Petraeus when he headed the military’s U.S. Central Command, responsible for running the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They began before Clinton entered office and continued into her first days at the State Department. They largely pertained to personnel matters and don’t appear to deal with highly classified material, officials said, but their existence challenges Clinton’s claim that she has handed over the entirety of her work emails from the account.

Speaking of her emails on CBS’ “Face the Nation” this week, Clinton said, “We provided all of them.” But the FBI and several congressional committees are investigating.

 The State Department’s record of Clinton emails begins on March 18, 2009 — almost two months after she entered office. Before then, Clinton has said she used an old AT&T Blackberry email account, the contents of which she no longer can access.

The Petraeus emails, first discovered by the Defense Department and then passed to the State Department’s inspector general, challenge that claim. They start on Jan. 10, 2009, with Clinton using the older email account. But by Jan. 28 — a week after her swearing in — she switched to using the private email address on a server based out of her home in Chappaqua, New York, that she would rely on for the rest of her tenure. There are less than 10 emails back and forth in total, officials said, and the chain ends on Feb. 1.

The officials weren’t authorized to speak on the matter and demanded anonymity. But State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed that the agency received the emails in the “last several days” and that they “were not previously in the possession of the department.”

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Separately Friday, State Department officials said they were providing the Benghazi-focused probe more email exchanges from senior officials pertaining to Libya. The committee broadened its scope after examining tens of thousands of documents more specifically focused on the Benghazi attack.

In Case You Missed It:  FBI leadership engaged in perjury and election Interference Regarding Disinformation on Trump Shooter

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As we noted previously, Republicans are demanding an explanation (why aren’t Democrats also?) why she can’t keep her lies straight. As for the process being a witch hunt, indeed in some ways it just may be…

And now we look forward to the upcoming Congressional kangaroo court in which the American population will be asked “what difference does it make” how many email devices Hillary used.

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