By Leigh Bravo
President Obama is once again refusing to react to the line that he drew in the sand in the fight to decimate and destroy ISIL. But this time the consequences are deadly. The American people are being placed in harm’s way. A directive from the White House tells the FBI to “Back off Muslims,” even though the facts tell us that all terrorists are Muslim.
In a statement just a few days ago regarding the attack in Orlando, Obama sa
We currently do not have any information to indicate that a foreign terrorist group directed the attack in Orlando.”
But what do we know about the attack in retrospect? The terrorist, Mateen, called 911 during the attack to pledge his allegiance to ISIS. He also called CNN News 13 in Orlando to proclaim he was carrying out the massacre on behalf of the terror group.
“I’m the shooter. It’s me. I am the shooter,” Mateen said, according to Gentili. “I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State.”
But after all these bold proclamations from the terrorist himself, our President, yet again, goes on air to deny that this man was a terrorist or affiliated with any terrorist group. When will the President of the United States actually stand up and identify the enemy within our gates and do what is necessary to protect the people he took an oath to defend?
Despite the terrorist attack in Orlando, Obama has opened our borders to 400 new Syrian refugees who have not and cannot be vetted, against the strong advice of the CIA director, John O. Brennan,
“The group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.”
et despite Brennan’s advice, Obama has admitted 441 Syrian refugees, only 5 Christians, and has settled them in Florida, Illinois and Arizona. Six were placed in Orlando, the location of the recent terrorist attack on the gay community and only days after the horrific attack. Add insult to injury, the White House refuses to share any information on these refugees with local law enforcement claiming they have a right to privacy. What about our right to safety?
Although the debate is heating up over whether the U.S. should take these refugees, the Obama administration has dramatically increased processing of refugees in order to reach its goal of 10,000 before the end of the year. In 2016 alone, Obama has admitted 4,328 Syrian refugees, 4,289 whom are Muslims, the majority were not vetted.
On a news report last night, former assistant director, James Kallstrom, says a directive has come down directly from the White House to “Back Off Muslims.” The FBI is being told by the white house that they cannot go into mosques, or proceed with normal investigative paths against Muslims. The public is told to say something if you see something, yet at the same time, Loretta Lynch, the attorney general of the U.S. says the Department of Justice has threatened to take action against any and all anti-Muslim rhetoric or violent talk. Isn’t this just a promise to go after anyone who might point the finger at questionable behavior by a Muslim, like Mateen, and an attack on free speech by the very department that is assigned to protect our rights? You also have to ask yourself why our DOJ is not taking action against the “Black Lives Matter” activists hate speech, who are screaming for law enforcement to be killed? Can you say hypocrisy?
A florida gun store owner contacted local authorities when Mateen tried to buy body armor and arsenal of ammunition 2 months before the attack in Orlando, but nothing was done. So does it matter when the public raises the red flag or are our law enforcement officers hands tied behind their backs by the current rules of engagement?
Back in December, a whistleblower, Philip Haney from Homeland Security was responsible for investigating individuals with suspected ties to radical terrorism. He had received a commendation letter for successfully tracking down 300 terrorists. However, he was visited by the State Department and the Homeland Security Civil Rights Division and told his investigations were “profiling” Muslims and was subsequently shut down. All his records were destroyed including information into the terrorist that committed the attack in San Bernadino. Even now, the White House refuses to look into the social media accounts of potential Muslim immigrants even though the San Bernadino and Orlando terrorists posted on social media.
Former FBI assistant director, James Kallstrom says we have to get this wet blanket of political correctness off the back of agents. We need to change the rules of engagement. Training manuals are being permanently altered in the name of political correctness and Congress has done nothing to make the job for the FBI easier. Although the Director of the FBI says they are critically understaffed, the administration has done nothing to alter that situation at a time when it is obvious to all Americans that it is desperately needed.
It appears all common sense and logic have been tossed out the White House window. If the majority of all terrorists are Muslim, then how do you call investigating potential Muslim refugees and immigrants “profiling?” It’s time to put the safety of the American people first and throw political correctness out the window along with the president.