“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell; ‘1984’.
Celebrities, activists, environmentalist organizations, the UN, government entities and sadly, even the Vatican support the theory that humans cause climate change. However, in this exclusive interview, “global warming” expert and author Marc Morano gives you hard-hitting arguments and facts that dispel the artificial fear propagated by “climate emergency” alarmists.
Marc Morano talks about: #Climate #change (min 2:58)
Population control (min 14:24)
Global warming (min 17:12)
Medieval warm period (min 19:37)
Best arguments against climate change (min 33:03)
The fake 97% scientific consensus (min 34:17)
The Green New Deal (min 38:23)
Pope Francis and Laudato Si (min 48:11 )
Socialism and environmentalism (min 51:27)
His book, Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change (min 57:38)
Download show audio: https://tfpsa.podbean.com/
More on this topic: Green Is the New Red https://www.tfpstudentaction.org/blog… Site: https://www.tfpstudentaction.org/