REPORT: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Sent Illegal Immigrants to Florida, Texas, and … China?

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams has apparently been very busy shipping illegal border crossers in his city to other states and beyond.

This is the same man who cries foul when other leaders send illegal immigrants to his city.

One of the strangest aspects of this story is that Adams supposedly sent some of these people to China.

The Hill reports:

Eric Adams sent migrants to Florida, Texas, abroad: reports

New York City sent migrants all over the country and the world, months after Mayor Eric Adams chastised red-state governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott for similar trips.

The city has spent about $50,000 for the resettlement of 114 migrant households, mostly to Florida and Texas, according to documents obtained by Politico. Some went abroad, one even as far as China.

DeSantis and Abbott came under fire after they sent migrants via bus and plane north to blue states: Abbott sending buses to New York City and DeSantis sending planes full to Martha’s Vineyard last year.

Adams said those transfers of migrants “part of a political ploy,” and that many of the migrants did not want to go north or did not understand why they were being moved. Some of the migrants had immigration appointments all over the country which they wouldn’t be able to attend without help…

In the last year, New York City has received about 79,000 migrants total, an amount that is overwhelming city resources.

Remember this gem?

This situation is costing New York City a fortune.

Border state governors should keep sending these people to New York City.

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