Income Inequality, Round Two

In a recent post arguing that income inequality is a problem, Mr. Mitchell charges that “most American households have seen little gain in income in the last three decades despite rising productivity growth.” He contends that from 1947-1973 there was “broad-based prosperity” because “incomes of virtually all Americans grew at around 2.5% annually.” Furthermore, he asserts, “income […]

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Changing Horses in Mid-Stream: There’s Turmoil in Obama’s Asia Policy Shop

It is perhaps emblematic that on the same day that China releases its long-delayed 2010 defense white paper, the U.S. State Department announces that Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg will be replaced by Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns. Coming on the heels of the departure of Wallace “Chip” Gregson from the […]

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Stop Sending Jobs Overseas

Today, the Labor Department released its monthly jobs report showing that the U.S. economy added 216,000 jobs in March and unemployment fell to 8.8 percent. Despite these encouraging numbers, Americans still consistently tell pollsters that jobs and the economy are the most important problems facing the country. And yesterday, Gallup released a poll showing that […]

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Senator McCain Calls to Release Pollard

United States Senator John McCain said he supports the release of Jonathan Pollard, who has been in prison for 25 years for passing classified information to Israel. Pollard was sentenced to life in jail. McCain expressed his support for Pollard’s release during a phone call with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, on Thursday. He joins a […]

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Colombia Won’t Recognize Palestinian Authority as a Country

Colombia has not joined the parade of Latin American nations that have recognized the Palestinian Authority as a sovereign country over the past year. President Juan Manuel Santos Calderon informed the World Jewish Congress on Wednesday that as a “matter of principle,” his government would not recognize any unilateral declaration of statehood by the PA. […]

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Italy Plays Hot Potato With African Migrants

The natives of the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, off the coast of Africa, complained bitterly to the Italian government that their island  was being inundated with refugees from Africa. Some of these refugees were fleeing the turbulence in North Africa. A large number of them were economic migrants from sub-Saharan Africa who had no […]

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