Stop the EPA’s Global Warming Power Grab

The Obama administration intends to bypass Congress and implement outrageous global warming regulation of the entire U.S. economy through the EPA.  Many of you have helped us put tens of thousands of comments into the EPA, but they aren’t listening.  We need Congress to step in and stop the EPA power-grab, by sending a clear […]

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Tell Congress to Stop the FCC Internet Takeover

As we have explained on, the Obama administration is committed to accomplishing its far-left agenda at any cost and by any means. When Congress blocks its agenda, it pursues any number of techniques to circumvent the normal policy-making process. In its efforts to impose crippling net neutrality regulations on the Internet-an idea with very […]

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Tories Win Most Seats, Not Majority in British Parliament, Polls Show

The result would bear out predictions that this election would not give any party a majority, resulting in a destabilizing period of political wrangling and uncertainty. LONDON — David Cameron’s rejuvenated Conservatives captured far more seats than Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s battered Labour Party but failed to win an absolute majority Thursday in Britain’s national […]

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Trickle-Down Self-Censorship

by David J. Rusin  •  May 6, 2010 at 11:30 am Remember that old public service ad with a father confronting his son about drug use? Asked where he learned to do such things, the son replies, “You, all right? I learned it by watching you!” A similar process applies to self-censorship. When those in […]

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Jeb Bush carries the Bush political torch

By: Jonathan Martin April 28, 2010 04:54 AM EDT Talk privately to just about any leading Republican about the 2012 presidential race, and you’ll often hear a sentence that starts with: “If his last name were …” They’re talking about the former two-term governor of one of America’s largest states who is a reformer, a […]

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Why Arizona Drew The Line

Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a law – SB 1070 – that prohibits the harboring of illegal aliens and makes it a state crime for an alien to commit certain federal immigration crimes. It also requires police officers who, in the course of a traffic stop or other law-enforcement action, come to a “reasonable […]

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Caution: Threat to Jews on CA Campus

Two University of California professors warn that Jewish students face greater dangers as Muslim extremist organizations grow in campus influence. In an article on, Leila Beckwith and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin – Professor Emeritus at the UCLA and Lecturer at the University of California Santa Cruz, respectively – write of the growth of Al-Awda, the presence […]

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